Scheme of work

Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 2

Basic Technology Scheme

Today, technology is rapidly advancing, and it is crucial to provide young learners with skills and knowledge vital for living in a digital world.

The Basic Technology Scheme of Work Primary 2 offers such opportunities. This scheme was developed for a group of 5-6-year-old pupils, and it is the basis for the development of pupils’ skills in technology.

The scheme is divided into three terms, each with its specific objectives and learning outcomes.

First term, the pupils will be introduced to clay, its meaning, and how to prepare it to mould from scratch. Additionally, the pupils will learn how to mould entirely different types of objects from the clay.

Second term, the pupils will be introduced to the meaning of energy and will identify the sounds from different sources.

Lastly, in the third term, pupils will learn about musical instruments and how they work. Construction of their local instruments is key to learning.

As the scheme progresses, pupils will enhance their problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and creativity. They will additionally analyze how to operate well with others and as part of a group.

Teachers will promote the scheme’s goals and objectives. They will create an ideal learning setting to support active student engagement and inquiry. Likewise, they will provide feedback that benefits the student.

Objectives of Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 2

First Term Objectives

Week 1-2: define clay

Week 3-6: Prepare clay for moulding

Week 8-10: Use clay for moulding

Second Term Objectives

Week 2-3: State the meaning of energy

Week 4-6: Identify different forms of energy.

Week 8-10: Identify different sounds.

Third Term Objectives

Week 2-4: Name some instruments that produce sounds

Week 5-6: Make local instruments that produce sounds

Week 8-10: Make different kinds of sounds with the instruments they made

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Learning Outcomes of Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 2

First-Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-2: State the meaning of day

Week 3-6: Prepare clay for moulding

Week 8-10: Mould objects using clay

Second Term Learning Outcomes

Week 2-3: State the meaning of energy

Week 4-6: Mention different forms of energy.

Week 8-10: Identify sounds made from different sources and Make sounds with different parts of their bodies

Third Term Learning Outcomes

Week 2-4: List three instruments that produce sounds

Week 5-6: Make local instruments that produce sounds and Produce sounds with the local instrument made

Week 8-10: Make a sound with the musical instruments

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First Term Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 2

2ClayMeaning of clay
3-6ClayPreparation of clay for moulding
7.Mid Term Test
8-10ClayMoulding with clay
12 & 13Examination 

Second Term Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 2

2-3Form of Energy (Sound)Meaning of energy
4-6Form of Energy (Sound)Forms of energy
7.Mid Term Test
8-10Form of Energy (Sound)Sound Energy
12 & 13Examination 

Third Term Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 2

2-4Form of Energy (Sound)Sound energy -Things that produce sounds
5-6Form of Energy (Sound)Making local instruments that produce sounds
7.Mid Term Test
8-10Form of Energy (Sound)Musical instruments
12 & 13Examination 

Teacher’s and Pupils Activities

First Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-2: The teacher should Explain the meaning of clay. The pupils should Participate in class discussion

Week 3-6: The teacher should Explain the stages of using and preserving clay and Assist pupils in preparation. The pupils should List the stages of using and preserving clay

Week 8-10: The teacher should assist pupils in moulding different objects with clay. The pupils should Make objects using clay

Second Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 2-3: The teacher should explain the meaning of energy. The pupils should Participate in class discussion

Week 4-6: The teacher should Guide pupils to identify different forms of energy. The pupils should Participate in class discussions

Week 8-10: The teacher should discuss sounds and lead pupils to identify sounds. The pupils should

Third Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 2-4: The teacher should Use the chart to guide pupils to identify different instruments that produce sounds. The pupils should Identify and name instruments that produce sound

Week 5-6: The teacher should Guide pupils to make local instruments that produce sounds. The pupils should Construct local instruments that produce sounds from available materials

Week 8-10: The teacher should Use the chart to guide pupils to identify different instruments that produce sounds. The pupils should Play games with sound using the musical instruments


The Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 2 is relevant as it equips pupils with digital skills and knowledge. Teachers should effectively implement the scheme of work and ensure that the learners have a good learning environment.

In addition, teachers should focus on giving feedback that aids in the development of the learners. Overall, the teachers will be playing an essential role in helping develop the new generation of learners in the wake of an era where technology is key.

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