Scheme of work

Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2

Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2

Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2 is a critical part of the curriculum for pupils from 5 to 6 years of age. It is designed to enable them to have a more coordinated learning of what Islam entails and its teachings.

The goals of the Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2 are realized in three terms. In the first term, pupils are introduced to reading the Arabic alphabet; they are taught how to read the Arabic alphabet correctly and the identification, Pupils are familiarized with the vowels, Al -fathah, al- kasra, al-dummah, and al-sukun.

They are also taught how to identify two-letter words, and how to join the two-letter words and pronounce and write them on the exercise books.

Pupils are educated on the attributes of Allah which encompass: AL-HADI The guide, AL-MALK the Ruler, AL-HAKTM the Judge, AL-BASTR The all-seeing, AL-SAM the All-hearing. They will also be educated on the ten names of Allah and their meanings and the Iqamah recited before congregational prayer.

In the second term, pupils are taught how to join a three-letter word, to identify shaddah, and alif a sign of maddah. Other areas to be taught are to recite Surah al-Nasr and demonstrate how a full Raka’ah is performed. Similarly, they learn the al-Tashahhud, when it is said, and how to memorize it.

Furthermore, pupils learn about the history of Prophets Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS) and the lessons from the history of Prophets Yûsuf (AS), Mûsa (AS), and Tsa (AS). In addition, the need to be punctual when saying their daily prayers, go to school, and any other important thing is taught.

In the third term, pupils learn about Salah al-Jama’ah and its practical demonstration. Similarly, pupils learn about the history of Prophet Muhammad from birth, taken away by his mother, death of his mother, under the custody of his grandfather and under the care of his uncle.

The virtuous of a Muslim are taught as well as the virtues of obedience, respect for people, and the importance of modesty in shaping a Muslim.

By the end of the term pupils should have the ability to: Read the Arabic alphabet well and identify the alphabet’s letter. Join three-lettered words and recite Surah al-Nasr. Semester 3: perform Salah al-Jama’ali and narration of the life history of Prophet Muhammad.

The Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2 is a critical part of the curriculum for pupils aged 5-6. The scheme aims to assist these pupils in learning more about the Islam religion and its teachings in an organized and appropriate fashion.

Teachers are urged to teach the children using the scheme of work and see to it that the children meet the given objectives and learning outcomes for each term.

This way, the pupils will have an adequate foundation in the Islamic religion and apply the Islamic principles in the course of their lives.

Objectives of Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2

First Term Objectives

Week 1: Read the Arabic alphabet correctly and Identify the letters of the alphabet.

Week 2: Distinguish the vowels: Al – fathah, al- kasra, al- dummah and al- sukun and Participate in writing and using vowels with some letters of the alphabet.

Week 3: Identify two- letter words, Join two-letter words e.g. SA, and Pronounce the words when vowel signs are added. and Write the words in their exercise book

Week 4: Recite Surah al-Lahb. and Learn by heart Surah al- Lahb

Week 5: Recall the attributes of Allah taught in year one, Mention the attributes of Allah:, AL-HADI (The Guide), AL-MALK (The Ruler), AL-HAKTM (The Judge, AL-BASTR (The All Seeing) and AL-SAM?U (The All Hearing)

Week 6: Recite the ten names of Allah listed under content, Read the meaning of these names in English and Commit the names to memory

Week 8:Recite the Iqamah. State when Iqamah is said. and Explain why Iqamah is said

Week 9: Mention five names out of the twenty-five names mentioned in the Qur’an, State that there is no distinction among all the Prophets sent by Allah and Mention the function they performed

Week 10: Narrate the history of Prophet Âdam (AS) and Nûhu (AS) State the qualities of Âdam (AS) and Nûhu (AS) and Mention the consequences of the disobedience of the son and people of Prophet Nûhu

Second Term Objectives

Week 1&2: Recall the two-letter words done earlier, Join the three-letter words to form a word and Identify three- letter words

Week 3: Identify shaddah, State why shaddah is used and Identify alif as a sign of maddah (prolongation)

Week 4: Recite Surah al- Nasr correctly, Learn by heart Surah al-Nasr and State the circumstance in which the surah can be read.

Week 5: Explain the meaning of Raka’ah, Demonstrate how a complete Raka’ah is performed and Describe the different postures in a Raka’ah.

Week 6: State the Tashahhud, Mention when al-Tashahhud is said and Memorize al-Tashahhud.

Week 8: Narrate the history of Prophets Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS), Identify how obedient Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was to Allah by rejecting idol worship.

Week 9: Narrate the history of Prophets Yûsuf (AS), Mûsa (AS) and Tsa (AS), Identify the lessons contained in the history of the Prophets Yûsuf (AS), Mûsa (AS) and Tsa (AS). (3) Mention the qualities of the Prophets in relation to honesty, perseverance, accountability and trustworthiness and Yûsuf Q12, Mûsa Q28 and TsaQ19

Week 10: Explain virtuous conduct in Islam, Mention the need to be punctual in Saying daily prayers, -going to school and other important occasions

Third Term Objectives

Week 2: Read Suratul- Kafirun and Learn by heart Surah al- Kafirun

Week 3&4:

Pupils should be able to: Explain what Salah al- Jama’ah means, Demonstrate how is is performed, State when Salah al-Jama’ah is performed and State the conditions surrounding
Salah al- Jama’ah.

Week 5: Narrate the story of how he was born and the events that took place around the time and Narrate the story of his breastfeeding under Halimat

Week 6: Mention the name of his grandfather, Narrate the care received by the Prophet under his grandfather, Identify the name of his uncle and Narrate the care received by the Prophet under the custody of his uncle.

Week 8: Narrate stewardship of the Prophet under Khadijah, Narrate the marriage procedure of Muhammad to Khadijah and Mention the name of the children given birth to by Khadijah for the Prophet.

Week 9: Explain the meaning of obedience and kindness, State the importance of obedience and kindness, Identify the people that should be obeyed always, Point out acts of obedience and kindness, and Identify some Quranic verses on obedience and kindness.

Week 10: Explain the meaning of modesty, State the importance of modesty in Islam, Give examples of acts of modesty and Identify some Quranic verses on modesty.

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Learning Outcomes of Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2

First-Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1: Read the Arabic alphabet correctly and Identify the letters of the alphabet.

Week 2: Distinguish the vowels: Al – fathah, al-kasra, al-dummah and al-sukun and Participate in writing and using vowels with some letters of the alphabet.

Week 3: Identify two-letter words, Join two-letter words as above, Pronounce the words when the vowel sign is added and Write the words in their exercise books.

Week 4: Recite Surah al-Lahb and Learn by Surah al-Lahb

Week 5: Recall the attributes of Allah taught in year one and Mention the attributes of Allah: AL-HADI AL-MALK AL-HAKTM AL-BASTR AL-SAMT’U

Week 6: Recite the ten names of Allah listed under content, Read the meaning of these names in English, Commit the names to memory

Week 8: Recite the Iqamah, State when Iqamah is said and Explain why Iqamah is said

Week 9: Mention five names out of the twenty- five names mentioned in the Qur’an. (2) Mention two functions performed by the Prophets

Week 10: Narrate briefly the history of Prophet Adam (ASA) and Nuhu (AS), State the qualities of Nuhu (AS), and Mention the results of disobedience of Nuhu’s people.

Second Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1&2: Pronounce the letters of the alphabet correctly.

Week 3: Identify shaddah, State why shaddah is used, Identify alif as a sign of maddah and Demonstrate how to use the two items

Week 4: Recite Surah al-Nasr correctly and Learn by heart Surah al-Nasr.

Week 5: Demonstrate how a complete Raka’ah is performed and Mention the different postures in Raka’ah.

Week 6: State the al- Tashahhud, Mention when al- Tashahhud is said and memorise al- Tashahhud.

Week 8: Narrate a brief history of Prophets Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS), Identify how obedient, Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was to Allah by rejecting idol worship, Identify how obedient Prophet Ismail was to his father for accepting what Allah commanded his father to do with him (sacrifice).

Week 9: Narrate a brief history of Prophets Yûsuf (AS), Mûsa (AS) and Tsa (AS), Identify the lessons contained in the history of the Prophets Yûsuf (AS), Mûsa (AS) and Tsa (AS), Explain how Prophet Mûsa was saved from the Soldiers of Pharaoh and Identify the kinds of sickness Prophet Tsa cured.

Week 10: Mention the need to be punctual in saying their daily prayers, going to school and other important occasions.

Third Term Learning Outcomes

Week 2: Recite Surah al-Kafirun and Learn by heart Surah al-Kafirun

Week 3&4: Explain the meaning of Salah al-Jama’ah. Demonstrate how it is performed.

Week 5: Narrate the story of the birth of the Prophet and the role of his grandfather when he was born., Narrate the events that took place when Muhammad was under the custody of Halimah

Week 6: Narrate the history of the story of the Prophet with his grandfather. Narrate the history of the Prophet under his uncle. Mention good treatment enjoyed by the Prophet under them.

Week 8: Narrate the story of the sincerity of the Prophet under Khadijah as a salesman and his loyalty, Mention moral lessons contained in the history of his early life

Week 9: Identify people they should obey and point out acts of obedience and kindness to people.

Week 10: Point out acts of modesty and state the advantages of modesty.

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First Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2

1Revision of Arabic Alphabet.(1) Recognition of the alphabet.
(2) Pronunciation of the various letters of the alphabet
2.Introduction of vowels.(1) Recognition of the Arabic vowels Al – fathah, al- kasra, al-dummah and al-sukun
(2) Pronunciation of the various letters of the alphabet.
3.Joining of two- letter words(1) Identification of two-letter words
(2) Pronouncing two-letter words.
(3) Writing and pronouncing the two-letter words with different vowel signs.
4.Surah al-Lahb(1) Recitation of Surah al-Lahb.
(2) Memorization
of Suratul – Lahab
5.Revision and introduction of more attributes of Allah(1) Revision of Al- Khaliq Al-Rabb Al-Rahman Al-Rahim
(2) Allah sends guidance to mankind through
His messengers and Prophets:
Allah’s name as a Guide in Arabic is
6.Asma’u Allahi al-husna (Beautiful Names of Allah)Names of Allah and the significance: Al-Rahman- The Beneficent Al-Rahim- The Merciful Al – Malk- The Sovereign Lord Al-Quddus- The Divine Al-Salam- The Source of peace Al-Mu’min – The Guardian of Faith Al – Muhaymin- The Protector Al – Aziz- The Mighty Al-Jabbar- The Compeller Al-Mutakabbir- The Supreme
7.Mid Term Test
8.Iqamah (1) The text of Iqamah.
(2) The time of the Iqamah.
(3) The need for the Iqamah
9.Learning five names out of thetwenty-five Prophets of Allah mentioned in the Qur’an.Learning five names out of the twenty-five Prophets of Allah mentioned in the Qur’an.
10.Brief History of Prophet Adam (AS) and Nuhu (AS)Names of the Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an -Idris (AS) -Ibrahim (AS) -Ismail (AS) -Is’haq (AS) -Yûsuf(AS) (2) Functions performed by the Prophets such as: -giving glad tidings;
guide to
warning against Allah’s punishment
Calling to good conduct, etc.
12 & 13Examination 

Second Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2

1&2Joining of three- letter wordsJoining of three-letter words
3.Introduction of shaddah and alif as maddah sign (Prolongation)Introduction of Shaddah and alif as maddah sign (Prolongation)
4.Surah al-Nasr(1) Correct recitation of
Surah al-Nasr
(2) Memorization of Surah al- Nasr
5.Practical Demonstration of Raka’ah in Salah(1) Correct recitation of
Surah al-Nasr
(2) Memorization of Surah al-Nasr
6.Al-Tashahhud(1) The text al- Tashahhud.
(2) When At – Tashahhud is recited.
(3) Memorization of al-
7.Mid Term Test 
8.Brief History of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS)(1) The history of Prophet Ibrahim (AS):
His Obedience to Allah and his stand against idol worship.
The persecution he suffered in the hands of his people.
Accepting AAxn? (çarrif
(2) History of Ismail (AS):
Obedience to his father Q4:153-165.
9.Brief History of Prophet Yûsuf (AS), Mûsa (AS) and Tsa (AS)(1) The history of Prophet Yûsuf (AS): -his father’s love for him; – his dream and relationship to his brothers; -his stand against temptation.
(2) This history of Prophet Musa (AS):
-birth and childhood; -Musa’s Prophet-hood and relationship with Pharaoh.
(3) The history of Prophet Tsa (AS):
-his miraculous birth; -Prophetic mission; -his not being the son of Allah and his not being crucified.
10.Virtuous conducts in IslamVirtuous conduct in Islam
12 & 13Examination 

Third Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2

1Revision of Previous Term
2.Surah al-Kafirun.(1) Recitation of
Surah al-Kafirun.
(2) Memorization of
Surah al-Kafirun
3.Salah al-Jama’ah (congregational prayer).(1) Practical demonstration of Salah al- Jama’ah (2) Conditions surrounding
Salah al- Jama’ah.
5.History of Prophet
Muhammad from birth to the death of his mother.
The Birth of the Prophet: The situation of his mother and Arab practice of breastfeeding. The story of the Prophet under Halimah al- Shadiyyab
6.History of Prophet Muhammad under the custody of his grandfather and his uncleMuhammad under the custody of his grandfather. Muhammad under the custody of his uncle
7.Mid Term Test 
8.History of Prophet
Muhammad his
marriage to Khadijah.
Business association of Muhammad with Khadijah. Offer of marriage by
Khadijah to the Prophet.
9.Virtuous conducts in Islam: Meaning of obedience and kindness to people (ii) Importance of obedience and kindness.Obedience to parents: Q17:23 Q107:1-7, Obedience to teachers, elders and leaders.
Kindness to: Parents, elders, fellow children, neighbour, other creature
10.Virtuous of conducts in Islam: Modesty and its importanceModesty: Q24:30-31
12 & 13Examination 


The Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2 is a structured and educating curriculum. Because of these, it is of vital importance to pupils as they intend to know all there is to know about Islam and its teachings.

Teachers must follow the timetable and make good use of the scheme of work to achieve the above objectives and learning outcomes. Ultimately, the pupils shall have gained practical knowledge in Islamic studies and learned how to put into practice the Islamic principles and teachings in their daily lives.

Hence, it is recommended that teachers use the scheme of work to ensure that the pupils easily and quickly grasp what is taught as they progress through the term.

The curriculum on the Islamic Religious Studies Scheme for Primary 2, within the age of 5 to 6, a very formative stage in their studies, is important since they shall have to acquire a better understanding of Islam and its teachings.

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