Scheme of work

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2

Civic Education is an essential aspect of education, which helps the young learners appreciate the citizenship responsibility and how it can be used to impact the development of their community and the country at large.

The plan with the Civic Education scheme of work for Primary 2 is to expose the pupils to civic education and how it is related to the national development.

The objectives of the Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2 are grouped into three terms with specific objectives that the pupils must achieves.

In the first term, the pupils should be able to explain the importance of Civic Education in Nigeria, and analyze the importance of Civic Education to national development. The students will also be introduced to the meaning and types of communities.

In the second term, the pupils will identify members of the community, discuss the rules in the community, and identify the roles of the members of the community. Additionally, they will learn about community leaders in their locality.

In the third term, the pupils will learn about the duties and qualities of community leaders and how to appreciate and reward community leaders. By the end of the third term, the pupils will have a good understanding of civic education and its importance to their community and country.

The learning outcomes of the Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2 are also divided into three terms. In the first term, the pupils will explain the need for Civic Education in Nigeria and enumerate three benefits of studying Civic Education.

The second term’s learning outcomes include identifying members of the community, listing five rules in the community, and mentioning some of the responsibilities of members in a community.

In the third term, the pupils will mention the roles of community leaders, the qualities of community leaders, and how to appreciate and reward community leaders.

The activities of the teacher and pupils are structured for the pupils to attain the goals and objectives as well as achieve the learning outcomes of the Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2.

For example, the teacher will introduce pupils’ reminiscences through recollecting Civic Education terminology and pupils’ argument for Civic Education in the first term.

In the second term, the teacher will give examples of members of the community, identify three rules in the community, and explain each responsibility and how to carry it out.

In the third term, the teacher will ask questions that lead pupils to suggest the roles of community leaders, guide pupils to mention the qualities of community leaders, and show how to appreciate and reward them.

Objectives of Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2

First Term Objectives

Week 1-3: Discuss the need for Civic Education in Nigeria

Week 4-6: Analyze the importance of Civic Education to National development

Week 8-9: Explain the meaning of community

Week 10: Mention types of community

Second Term Objectives

Week 1-3: Mention members of the community

Week 4-6: Discuss the rules in the community

Week 8-9: Identify the roles of the members of the community

Week 10: Name some community leaders in the locality

Third Term Objectives

Week 1-3: Mention duties of community leaders:

Week 4-6: Mention the qualities of community leaders

Week 8-10: Show how to appreciate and reward community leaders.

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Learning Outcomes of Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2

First-Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-3: Explain the need for Civic Education in Nigeria

Week 4-6: Enumerate 3 benefits of derivable from studying Civic Education

Week 8-9: Explain the meaning of community

Week 10: Differentiate between traditional and modern types of communities

Second Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-3: Identify members that constitute a community

Week 4-6: List 5 rules in the community

Week 8-9: Mention some of the responsibilities of members in a community

Week 10: Name 2 community leaders in their locality

Third Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-3: Mention 3 roles of community leaders

Week 4-6: Mention the qualities of community leaders

Week 8-10: Say how to appreciate and reward community leaders

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First Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2

1-3Importance of Civic EducationWhy study Civic Education to:
Understanding democratic and civic rights and responsibilities nurtures and sustains democracy
4-5Why study Civic Education to:
Understanding democratic and civic right and responsibilities nurtures and sustains democracy
7Midt Term Test
8-9Meaning and Types of CommunityMeaning of community (a collection of a group of people in a given place)
10Types of community: Traditional communities e.g. towns and villages and Modern communities/institutions e.g. school community

Second Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2

1-3Meaning and types of community (continuation)Members of the community e.g. father, mother, siblings, uncles, aunties, community teachers, etc
4-5Rules in the community: Obedience, Orderliness, Cooperation, Respect, Loyalty, Peaceful existence, etc
7Mid Term Test
8-9Roles of members of the community include: Community development, Cooperation, Payment of taxes and duties
10Leaders in our CommunityThe idea of community leadership in Nigeria traditional settings e.g.
Yoruba – Oba
Hausa – Sarld
Igbo – Eze
Benin – Enoge
Nupe – Etsu, etc

Third Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2

1-3Leaders in our community (continuation)Duties of community leaders e.g.
Settlement of disputes
Ensuring peace
Organizing community work
Link between government and the community etc.
4-5Qualities of community leaders: caring, intelligence, wisdom, patience, integrity, courage, honesty etc
7Mid Term Test
8-10Appreciation and reward e.g. gifts, visitation, cooperation, etc

Teacher’s and Pupils Activities

First Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-3: The teacher should Lead pupils to recall the meaning of Civic Education and Discuss the need for Civic Education with pupils. The pupils should Listen to the teacher’s explanation and Contribute to discussions

Week 4-6: The teacher should Lead pupils to identify the benefits of having Civic Education.

Week 8-9: The teacher should Explain the meaning of community. The pupils should Define community

Week 10: The teacher should Explain the types of communities to the pupils. The pupils should Give examples of communities

Second Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-3: The teacher should Give examples of members of the community. The pupils should State members of the community

Week 4-6: The teacher should Identify 3 rules in the community. The pupils should Find out from their parents the rules in their community and report back to the class

Week 8-9: The teacher should Explain each responsibility and how to carry it out. The pupils should Listen to explanation and ask questions

Week 10: The teacher should Create a discussion that leads the pupils to identify community heads. The pupils should Participate in the discussion to identify community leaders

Third Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-3: The teacher should Ask questions that lead pupils to suggest the roles of community leaders and Invite resource persons to talk about their roles. The pupils should Listen to resource persons and ask questions

Week 4-6: The teacher should Guide pupils to mention the qualities of community leaders and show how to appreciate and reward them. The pupils should Mention the qualities of community leaders and how to appreciate and reward them

Week 8-10: The teacher should Guide the pupils on how to reward and appreciate our community leaders. The pupils should Say how to appreciate and reward community leaders


The Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2 is an essential aspect of education that helps young learners to understand their citizenship responsibilities and how they can contribute to the development of their community and country. Teachers must implement the scheme of work effectively to ensure that pupils achieve the objectives and learning outcomes of the scheme. Therefore, it is important to encourage teachers to implement the scheme of work effectively to achieve the desired results.

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