Scheme of work

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Social Studies is an important subject in the primary school curriculum, as it enables pupils to learn about their society and their world. The Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4 is for pupils aged 8-9 years. The scheme is developed in three terms, where each term is dedicated to various themes. This article will discuss the three terms of the Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4.

The first term of the Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4 includes the revision of living in the family and the relationship of some members of the family in the relationship sector. In the second term of this week, the pupils will study marriage, marriage problems and solutions.

Third relationships are an element of culture, types of culture. In the fourth week, pupils will be taught about religion, its meaning as a topic, the types of religion, and its practice. The term will also end with some terms of work and later examination.

The topics to be covered in the second term of the Social Studies Scheme of Work for Pupils in Primary class four consist of the following: Week One: Revision of last term’s work. Week 2: Introduction to government. Week 3: importance of Local government. Week 4: Problems and solutions of Local government. Week 5: State government and their functions. Week 6: Separation of power. Week 7: types of Division of work and power. Week 8: Revision and examination.

The third term of the Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4 covers road accidents, first aid, and security agencies. In the first week of the term, pupils will revise what was done in the previous term. The following weeks will focus on the definition of road accidents, the causes, and effects of road accidents, prevention of road accidents, tools in the first aid box, and basic first aid treatment. The term will then be finalized with first aid revision and examination.

First Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4

2Living in the family
3Relationship of some member of the family
5Marriage problems and solution
6Our culture; element ofc ulture
7Mid-term Break
8Culture (identity different types of culture)
10Our religion and practice (meaning & types of religion)
11Similarity in aspect of religion
12Other people’s belief and tradition

Second Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4

2The concept of government
3The concept of government (importance of local government) motor of your state
4Problems and solution of local government
5The concept of state government and function
6Separation of power
7Mid-term Break
8Division of labour&types
9Why division of labour is necessary in Agriculture industry (problem of labour)

Third Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4

2Meaning of road accident
3Causes of road accident
4Effects of road accident
5Prevention of road accident
6Meaning of first aid
7Mid-term Break
8Objects found in the first aidbox
9Simple first-aid treatment
10Security agencies and their primary duties


The Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4 is a detailed subject that educates pupils on their society, culture, religion, government, and safety. The three terms are programmed with relevant topics, and subsequently, each term concludes with a revision and an exam. The scheme provides an elaborate plan of the world in preparation for responsible future citizenship.

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