Scheme of work

Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Security is an essential aspect of everyone’s life, and it is crucial to teach children from an early age about personal security. The Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5 is designed to educate students on the importance of personal security and how to maintain it.

This article will focus on the scheme of work, covering the topics and themes taught during the first, second, and third terms.

The topics in term one of the Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5 are definition of personal security, source of personal security, personal security at home and school, personal security at the office, and personal security measures. The Topic for week one is clean up and revision.

The meaning of personal security and the types are also taught in week two. Some of the types of personal security learned at this stage include fencing, burglary proof, security alert in the house and on the vehicle, and domestic dogs.

Sources of personal security are also taught at week three. These include humans, electricity, and animal sources. Week four is all about the personal security in the home. Learners are taught aspects like mopping of slippery places and house fencing.

Weeks five and six: personal security at school is discussed, such as cutting bush, avoiding playing with sharp objects, and watching strangers.

Week seven: personal security at the office. Weeks eight and nine: personal security at the neighbourhood, including erecting warning boards, vigilante, and making iron doors at the neighbourhood entrance.

Week ten: the term ends with personal security precautions that include providing a fire extinguisher in the home and vehicle, avoiding water/oil spill on cemented floors, and immunizing trained dogs.

In the second term of the Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5, the class expects to be taught the following topics: agents of personal security, devices of personal security, the need for personal security, the rules for the enhancement of personal security, and children’s role in personal security.

In the first week, students are to be taught agents of personal security and their uniforms, including the police, civil defence corps, man o war, road safety corps and vigilante.

Regarding their definition and what they are used for, week two introduced: rifles/guns, horse-whips, lamps, whistles, security dogs, serene, and handset. Week three introduced the necessity of personal security, and what it means: peaceful living; unity and; individual and group understanding among people living in the neighborhood.

Weeks six and seven included regulations for promoting personal security, and what they include: no night outing; keeping belonging; proper handling of electrical appliances.

Week eight included children roles in personal security, and what they are responsible for: cutting grasses; keeping watch of suspicious persons living around the neighbourhood; disconnecting, while alone, electrical gadgets from the socket.

Weeks ten and eleven conclude the term by teaching how to promote personal security, such as parental advice, use of media – radio, TV, posters, among others.

Some of the The Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5 third term are: cleaning of compound, identification of personal security as suspects, punishment for personal security offenders, community contribution, peers influence, and how to become a security officer.

In week two, the lesson taken is the insecurity definition and the community contributing factors for personal insecurity. For example, the production of alcohol, and sale of cigarettes, and beer, and others.

In week three, how the peers affects the personal insecurity in the field, negative sharing ideas while passing the ball, surrounded in the middle of a teaser in the football field, compound, market place, cinema house, ceremony, and others.

The identification which encompasses weeks four and five regards the identification of personal security and repercussions for personal security offenders. It includes being arrested, sent to remand (cell), asked to pay fine or large sum, or sent finally to prison.

Week six. Consequences of imprisonment include: becoming useless in society, unable to take up government jobs, and contacting incurable diseases.

At weeks ten and eleven, the term ends with teaching on the requirements of a security officer, including: self-concept, education requirement (High School Certificate – ssce), and training at Police College, Civil Defence Training Centre. Care of personal security appliances, Identification of security men in different vocations/overwork, and caring for security appliances such as guns/rifles.

First Term Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

2Meaning of Personal Security.   Types of Personal SecurityDefinition/Meaning of personal security.  Types of personal security e.g fencing, burglary proof, security alert in the house and in the vehicle, domestic – Dogs
3Sources of Personal SecuritySources of personal security e.g. i.  human ii. electricity iii. animal source
4Personal Security in the HomePersonal Security in the Home e.g. i.mop slippery areas ii. shut windows when going out and at night iii .use Day and Night Guards iv. house fencing v. keep away dangerous drugs and chemicals
5 & 6Personal Security in the SchoolPersonal security in the School e.g. cutting bush, avoid playing with sharp objects, watch strangers.    
7Personal Security in the OfficeMaintaining personal security
8 & 9Personal Security in the NeighbourhoodDefinition of neighbourhood.  Mentioning means of providing neighbourhood security e.g. erecting warning board , vigilante, making iron doors at the neighbourhood entrance
10Personal Security PrecautionsPrecautions of personal security i.e. -provision of fire extinguisher in the home and in the vehicle -avoid water/oil spill on cemented floors -put-off electrical appliances when light is off -cover well -immunize trained dogs

Second Term Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

2 & 3Agencies of Personal SecurityDefinition/Meaning of
Agencies of personal Security and their uniforms: -Police with uniform -Civil Defence Corps with uniform -Man O War with uniform -Road Safety Corps with uniform Viglante etc
4Personal Security DevicesDefinition of personal security devices.  Uses of the devices: -they are safety materials used to protect people from dangers -devices are rifle/gun horse-whips, lamp, whistle, security dogs, serene, handset
5Importance of Personal SecurityImportance of personal security e.g. peaceful living, unity and understanding among the people in the neighbourhood
6 & 7Rules for Promoting Personal SecurityRules for promoting personal security e.g. -avoid night outings -keep belongings -careful use of electrical appliances -get license for personal rifle
8 7 9Roles of Children in Personal SecurityThe roles of Children in personal security: -cutting of grasses -keep watch on suspicious people around the neighbourhood -remove electrical gadgets from the socket -avoid taking drugs not recommended
10 & 11Ways of Promoting Personal SecurityHow to promote personal security e.g  parents’ advice, use of media – Radio, T.V, posters etc

Third Term Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

2 & 3Identification of Personal Security (Suspected Offenders)Physical outlook of the suspected personal security offenders e.g. -hair-cut styles -cap style -abnormal dressing -tattooing -offensive outlook slangs (accepted language within the group) -usually find with or take bard drugs – cigarette, marijuana, alcohol -corrupt music, aimless movement found in motor parks, market places, cinema houses, beer palm-wine shops etc -identification of the suspected offenders by the above characteristics 
4Punishment for Personal Security OffendersVarious punishment/penalties for personal security offenders e.g. -be arrested -sent to remand (cell) -asked to pay fine or large sum or sent finally to prison. Explanation on the different Prison Yards in Nigeria i.  Maximum Prison – Abeokuta ii. Maximum Prison – Ilesa iii. Maximum Prison – Lagos 
5Personal Security: Consequences of ImprisonmentConsequences of imprisonment: I .become useless in the society Ii the victim cannot take up government job Iii .he/she cannot participate in politics Iv .the act leads to shame, guilt and reproach V .lead to contacting incurable diseases Vi .may lead to death -A tip to prison yard/police station 
6Community Contribution to Personal InsecurityDefinition of Insecurity.  The contributions of the community to personal insecurity e.g. I .production and sale of cigarette, alcohol, beer etc. ii. lack of mutual understanding among neighbours iii .negative attitude of community to pay guard/vigilante dues 
7 & 8Peers Influence to Personal SecurityThe peers influence to personal insecurity e.g  sharing negative ideas while on football field, compound, market place, cinema house, ceremony etc.  Explain each of the points above 
9How to become a Security OfficersThe requirements of a security officers: I .self concept Ii education requirement – High School Certificate (SSCE) iii. training at Police College, Civil Defence Training Centre etc 
10 & 11Care of Personal Security AppliancesIdentification of some security men in different vocations/work e.g. police, Man O War, Civil Defence Corps etc Identification and caring of some security appliances e.g. gun,/rifle, baton ,horses, whip. -explain the safe places to keep them e.g. gun to be kept in the Police station, they should not be placed within the reach of Children 


The Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5 is developed to educate the students on the relevance of personal security and how to keep being secure.

The scheme of work includes a range of topics and themes, including personal security at home, in school, at the office, in the neighbourhood, and personal security precautions.

Through this scheme of work, the students can identify personal security suspected offenders, enhance personal security, and become security officers.

The scheme of work targets to make the students aware of the relevance of personal security and to make sure that the students are part of the safe environment.

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