Scheme of work

Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

The Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1 entails teaching students suitable teaching start-ups and values of their religion, developing a positive attitude regarding their religion and a feeling of belonging as Muslims.

The scheme touches on the Arabic alphabet, Quranic surah, Islamic articles of faith, cleanliness, prophets, obedience, required acts of worship, and Islamic dwells.

The students are to get oriented about the Arabic alphabet, Surah Iqra and Surah fathihah. They should even know the benefits of cleanliness.

Pupils should also learn about the importance of cleanliness, proper hygiene, the importance of wudii and ghusl, and the stories of significant prophets.

Moreover, they should understand the protocol, the importance of obedience, the advantages of worshipping, and the importance of the cleanliness of their surroundings.

Objectives of Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

By the end of this scheme of work, the pupils will be able to:

First Term Objectives

Week 1: Pronounce the letters of the alphabet up to sa’y (j)

Week 2: Pronounce the letters from to I

Week 3: Pronounce the letters from to

Week 4: Recite Surah al-Fatihah correctly, Memorise surah al-Fatihah correctly, Mention the circumstance that one can read the surah.

Week 5: Enumerate the articles of faith in Islam, Memorise the six articles of faith in Islam

Week 6: Explain the need for cleanliness in their daily lives, Demonstrate the ways cleanliness can be practised, Enumerate the advantages of cleanliness and Mention some of the disadvantages of uncleanliness and untidiness.

Week 8: Enumerate four among the attribute of Allah and Mention the Arabic names for these attributes

Week 9: State that Prophet Muhammad was sent to the whole world and Explain that the Glorious Qur’an was sent to him as the final guidance of Allah to Mankind

Week 10: Explain why they should be obedient to Allah, Explain the ways in which Allah shows His kindness and favour to His Creatures and State the ways people should show their obedience to Allah.

Second Term Objectives

Week 2: Recite Surah al-Nas correctly, Memorise Surah al-Nas and State The circumstances that one can read the surah.

Week 3: Recite Surah al-Falaq correctly, Memorizes Surah al-Falaq and State the circumstance when the surah may be recited

Week 4:Gives examples of essential things provided by Allah to sustain the creatures and State that Allah is the sustainer of all the creatures

Week 5: State what al-Wudu’ is, Explain the purpose of al-Wudu‘ and Demonstrate how to perform al-Wudu’.

Week 6: Enumerate the things that spoil al-Wudu’.

Week 8: Mention the names of the first five prophets of Allah and State the contents of their messages

Week 9 &10: Explain the reasons why they should obey their parents and State ways in which they can obey their parents

Third Term Objectives

Week 2: Recite Surah al-Ikhlas correctly, Memorise Surah al-Ikhlas, State the circumstances when the surah may be recited and Understand that God is One

Week 3: Give examples of Allah’s mercies to all His creatures and Explain that Islam is also a mercy of Allah to all Human beings

Week 4: Mention the names of the five daily salawat and State the times of these salawat.

Week 5: Mention the number of raka’ah for each prayer and Mention that salah is an act of obedience to Allah.

Week 6: Recite the text of al-Adhan and State the time al-Adhan is said

Week 8: Explain why al-Adhan is said

Week 9: Demonstrate Islamic rules of conduct relating to: Table -Manners; -Sneezing; -greetings etc. State the reasons why Islamic rules of conduct should be observed and State why greetings are important in Islam.

Learning Outcomes of Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1 Pupils

By the end of this scheme of work, the pupils will be able to:

First-Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1: Pronounce the letters from I – j, Identify the letters and Write the letters correctly on the board.

Week 2: Pronounce the letters from to I correctly, Identify the letters from w to and Write the letters from w

Week 3: Pronounce the letters from to, Pronounce the letters from I to and Identify the letters to Write the letters from I to

Week 4: Recite the surah al-fatiah and Mention the time that one can read the surah al-fatiah., Identify some words in the surah on the flash cards and the board and Mention the number of verses that the surah contains.

Week 5: Mention the Six Articles of Faith and Mention the Articles of Faith in Islam in Arabic

Week 6: Explain the need for cleanliness in their daily lives, Demonstrate the ways cleanliness can be practised, Enumerate the advantages of cleanliness and Mention some disadvantages of uncleanliness.

Week 8: Mention at least four attributes of Allah.
and the Arabic names for these attributes.

Week 9: State that Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was the seal of all the prophets

Week 10: Explain the ways in which Allah shows His Kindness and favours to His Creatures. and State the ways people should show their obedience to Allah.

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Second Term Learning Outcomes

Week 2:

(1) Read Surah al-Nas correctly, Memorize Surah al-Nas and State the times when the surah may be recited

Week 3: Read Surah al-Falaq correctly and Memorize Surah al-Falaq, State the times when the Surah may be recited.

Week 4: Mention the examples of important things provided by almighty Allah to sustain thngs He created

Week 5: State, Explain the purpose and Demonstrate how to perform al-Wudu’.

Week 6: Mention those things that spoil al-Wudu’.

Week 8: Mention the names and State the contents of the messages of the first five prophets of Allah

Week 9 &10: Explain and State ways in which pupils can obey their parents

Third Term Learning Outcomes

Week 2: Recite and Memorise Surah al-Ikhlas, State the number of times it may be recited and State that God is one.

Week 3: Give examples and Explain that Islam is a mercy of Allah to all Humankind

Week 4: Mention and State the times of the five daily prayers (Salawat)

Week 5: Describe the various stages of a raka’ah. and Mention the importance of salah.

Week 6: Recite and State the time al-Adhan is said

Week 8: Explain the reason why al-Adhan is said

Week 9: Demonstrate different ways of conduct in eating, sneezing and greeting etc.

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First Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

1Arabic AlphabetBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to (1)Pronounce the letters of the alphabet up to sa’y (j) 
2Arabic AlphabetPronounce the letters from to I 
3Arabic AlphabetPronounce the letters from to 
4Surah al-FatihahBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to (1)Pronounce the letters of the alphabet up to say (j)(1) Transliteration version of surah al- Fatihah: Bisillahi al-Rah- man al-Rahim Al-hamdu lillahi Rabb al- ‘alaminAl-Rahman al-rahimMalik yawmi al-ddinLyyak na’bud wa iyyaka nasta’tnIhdina sirata al- mustagtmahSirata alyadhina an’amta alayhim ghayri al-maghdub alayhim wa laa al-dalina.
5Articles of Faith –al-TmanPupils should be able to: Enumerate the articles of faith in IslamMemorise the six articles of faith in Islam.Belief in AllahBelief in ProphetsBelief in AngelsBelief in Revealed BooksBelief in the Day of JudgementBelief in Qadar (Destiny Pre­destination).
6(1) Pupils should be able to recite Surah al-Fatihah correctly Memorise surah al- Fatihah correctly in the circumstance that one can read the surah.Pupils should be able to: Explain the need for cleanliness in their daily lives. Demonstrate the ways cleanliness can be practised. Enumerate the advantage of cleanliness. Mention some of the disadvantages of uncleanliness and untidiness.Cleanliness as part of teaching in IslamHow cleanliness is practisedAdvantages of cleanliness
7.Mid Term Test
8Pupils should be able to: Enumerate four of the attributes of Allah.Mention the Arabic names for these attributesFour of the attributes of Allah(1; Al-Khaliq Al-RabbAl-RahmanAl-Rahim
9Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet and messenger of AllohProphet Muhammad as the last prophet and messenger of AllahPupils should be able to: Enumerate four of the attributes of Allah. Mention the Arabic names for these attributes
10Obedience to AllohObedience to Allah.
Various ways to Allah’s blessing on the creatures.
Ways of showing Obedience to Alloh.
Prophet Muhammad (the seal of all the Prophets). (2) the International nature of his message (3) The Glorious Qur’an as the final guidance of Allah.
12 & 13Examination & Vacation  

Second Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

2Surah al-NasPupils should be able to: Recite Surah al-Nas correctlyMemorise Surah al-Nas.State The circumstances that one can read the surah.The Arabic text of Surah al-Nas
3Surah al-FalaqPupils should be able to: Recite Surah al-Falaq correctly.Memorizes Surah al-Falaq.State the circumstance when the surah may be recitedThe Arabic text of Surah al- Falaq.
4Allah the sustainer (Al-Rabb)The Arabic text of Surah al-Falaq.Essential things provided by Allah to sustain the creatures. Air, Water, Light, heat, food etc.
5How to perform al-Wudu’Pupils should be able to: State what al-Wudu’ is. Explain the purpose of al-Wudu’.Demonstrate how to perform al-Wudu‘.Al-Wudu’Why and how it is performed. What is al-Wudu‘.
6Things that spoil al-Wudu‘.Pupils should be able to: Enumerate the things that spoil al-Wudu‘.The things that spoil al-Wudu‘: -Stool; – Passing wind; -Passing Urine; -Deep sleep etc.
7Mid Term Test
8Name of the first five prophets of Allah as Mentioned in the Glorious Quran.Pupils should be able to: State what al-Wudu’ is. Explain the purpose of al- Wudu’.Demonstrate how to perform al-Wudu‘.Names: Adam, Nuh, Hud, Salih and Lut. Their messages: -Commanding what is good; -Forbidding what is evil e.g Qur’an 103:1-3
9&10Obedience to ParentsPupils should be able to: Explain the reasons why they should obey their parents.State ways in which they can obey their parentsObedience to parents.Reasons for it and the ways it can be shown. Q17:23.
12. & 13.Examination  

Third Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

2Surah al-IkhlasPupils should be able to: Recite Surah al-Ikhlas correctly.Memorise Surah al-Ikhlas. State the circumstances when the surah may be recited. Understand that God is One.The Arabic text of Surah al-Ikhlas.
3Allah the Beneficient (Al-Rahman) and the Merciful (Al-Rahim)Pupils should be able to: Give examples of Allah’s mercies to all His creatures. Explain that Islam is also a mercy of Allah to all Human beings.Allah as the Beneficent (Al-Rahman) and the merciful (Al- Rahim)
4The five daily şalawâtAllah as the Beneficent (Al-Rahman) and the merciful (Al-Rahim)Names of the five daily salawat: Subhi, Zuhr, Asr, Magrib and Isha’i.Times of these salawat.
5The five daily şalawât cont.Pupils should be able to: Mention the names of the five daily salawat. State the times of these salawat.(1) Description of the number of raka’ah for each prayer.
6Al-AdhanPupils should be able to: (1) Recite the text of al­Adhan. (2) State the time al-Adhan is said.The text of al-AdhanThe time of al-Adhan
7Mid Term Test
8 Pupils should be able to: (1) Explain why al-Adhan is said 
9&10Islamic Rules of ConductPupils should be able to: (1) Demonstrate Islamic rules of conduct relating to: – Table -Manners; -Sneezing; -greetings etc. 2) State the reasons why Islamic rules of conduct should be observed. (3) State why greetings are important in Islam.Pupils should be able to: Mention the number of raka’ah for each prayer. Mention that salah is an act of obedience to Allah.
12 & 13Examination/ Vacation

Teacher’s and Pupils Activities

First Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1: The teacher should write the letters boldly on the chalkboard, He pronounces the letters aloud and asks pupils to do so after him, Uses flashcards to guide pupils to recognize and identify them and Guide pupils as they write the letters on the board/in their exercise books

The Pupils should listen to the teacher’s pronunciation attentively, Pronounce the letters as correctly as their teacher pronounces them and Identify the letters of the alphabet taught

Week 2: As in the previous week

Week 3: As in weeks one and two

Week 4: The teacher should Recite surah al- Fatihah slowly word by word, Ask the pupils to read it the way he does, Pinpoints the difficult words and pronounce them word by word, and record the surah ayah (verse) by ayah and Tell them the time the surah can be read

The Pupils should Listen to the teacher’s recitation attentively, Recite after the teacher collectively, Recite after the teacher individually and Recite the surah several times to give room for memorization

Week 5: The teacher should Enumerate the six articles of faith in Islam, Explain the articles of faith in Islam briefly and Outline the importance of articles of faith in Islam.

The Pupils should Listen attentively to the teacher, Read the articles collectively and individually after the teacher, and Read the articles of faith several times.

Week 6: The teacher should Lead pupils through discussion to realise the need for cleanliness, Explain that cleanliness is part of the teachings of Islam, Use relevant Hadith and ayah of the Qur’an, Tell pupils that ablution, good toilet habits etc. are parts of the teachings of Islam, Explain different ways of cleaning the body, clothes, food, surroundings etc. and Tell them to realise the advantages of cleanliness.

The Pupils should Listen carefully to the teacher’s discussion and follow the points being made, Practise the various forms of cleanliness in Islam, Discuss some disadvantages of uncleanliness and untidiness and Describe some of the things we use for cleanliness

Week 8: The teacher should Tell the pupil the attributes & Arabic words for attributes, Pronounce the Arabic names one after the other and ask the pupils to pronounce them, Explain that these attributes are peculiar to the Al-Mighty Allah alone and point briefly at their peculiarities and Guide pupils’ direction on the attributes of Allah.

The Pupils should Listen attentively to the teacher and Pronounce the attributes after the teacher collectively and individually also Pronounce the Arabic names for the four attributes several times

Week 9: The teacher should Explain to the pupils that Prophet Muhammad is the seal of all the prophets, Tell them that his message is international in nature because it is meant for the whole world/ universe and Inform them that the Glorious Qur’an given to the prophet Mohammad is the final guidance of Allah to mankind

The Pupils should Listen to the teacher attentively and follow the discussion point by point.

Week 10: The teacher should Explain to the Pupils the need to obey Alloh because of His blessings and take the pupils outside the classroom to observe natural objects like the sun, flowers, trees, birds etc

The Pupils should Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation, Observe the natural objects very well and realize through them the need to obey Allah and Mention some benefits they derive from Allah’s Creatures.

Second Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 2: The teacher should Revise Surah al-Fatihah previously taught to them, Recite the new surah slowly and ask pupils to recite it, Pinpoint the difficult words, pronounce them and ask the pupils to do so, Ask them to recite the surah several time and Tell them the times when the surah may be recited.

The Pupils should Listen to the teacher and recite the surah after him, Recite the surah several times to give room for memorization, Recite after the teacher collectively and Recite after the teacher individually

Week 3: The teacher should revise Surah al-Nas taught in the previous lesson, Recite Surah al-Falaq slowly and ask pupils to recite, Point at the difficult words, pronounce them and ask the pupils to do the same. Ask them to recite it several times and tell them the times to recite the surah.

The Pupils should Listen to the teacher and recite the surah the way he does, Recite the surah several times for easier memorization, Recite after the teacher collectively and Recite after the teacher individually.

Week 4: The teacher should Explain the values of these essential things, Ask pupils to observe the growth and conditions of the seeds earlier planted under different conditions

The Pupils should Observe and take note of the differences in growth and conditions of these seeds planted under different conditions, Observe that water, air, light etc are very essential for the survival and sustenance of all living things and Conclude that Allah is the sustainer of all living things (Al- Rabb).

Week 5: The teacher should Explain to pupils why al- Wudu’ is performed, Demonstrate how it is performed as king the pupils to imitate him step by step, Take the pupils out of the classroom for practical Al-Wudu’ and Ask pupils to demonstrate al- Wudu’ in turns.

The pupils should Listen to the teacher and watch all the procedure, Bring items used for performing al- Wudu’ to the class and Demonstrate how to perform al- Wudu’

Week 6: The teacher should Ask pupils to explain how al- Wudu’ is performed, Explain the things that spoil ablution as stated under t5he content, Tell them that when Al-Wudu’ is spoilt, one cannot perform salah unless fresh al- Wudu’ performed.

The Pupils should Listen to the teacher’s explanations for better understanding, Learn by heart the things that spoil al-Wudu’.

Week 8: The teacher should Write the names of the prophets on the chalkboard one after the other and pronounce them, Ask the pupils to pronounce the names as well, Ask them to repeat these names several times, and Explain to them that the messages of these prophets comprise two things namely: -Commanding good; -Forbidding evil with examples, Ask them to repeat these two aspects several times, Ask them to point at their mates who bear the prophets’ names

The Pupils should Listen to the teacher and pronounce the names the way he does, Repeat the names several times, pay special attention to two segments of the prophets’ messages for proper understanding, Look around the class and point at their mates who bear the Prophets’ names as may be required by the teacher, List some good and evil deeds.

Week 9 & 10: The teacher should Explain positive roles played by the parents in their children’s up¬bringing, justifying the needs to obey them, Discusses the way through which obedience can be shown to them, be kind to them, greet them in the morning, do things that will make them happy.

The Pupils should Listen to the teacher’s explanation, Think of any other ways by which the parents can be obeyed and mention them, Dramatise ways in which one can show disobedience to his parents, Practise exchange of greetings in the class and Demonstrate eating manners before the class.

Third Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 2: The teacher should Revises surah taught, Recite the new surah slowly and asks the pupils to recite it, Lay emphasis on difficult words, Recite the Surah several times and asks the pupils to do so, Tell them the times to recite the surah and Tell them that God is one.

The Pupils should Listen attentively and recite the way the teacher does, Repeat the recitation several times to facilitate memorization, Recite after the teacher collectively and Recite after the teacher individually

Week 3: The teacher should Revise with pupils the previous lessons on Allah the sustainer, Explain the meaning of Allah’s beneficence and mercy by pointing out that rain, sun, moon, air etc are some of His blessings, and Explain that Islam is also a mercy from Allah because it directs people to the right path, Asks them to mention few other things that are parts of Allah’s blessings upon the creature.

The Pupils should Listen and follow the teacher explanations, Think of some other things provided by Allah as a kind of His beneficence and mention them.

Week 4: The teacher should Explain the need for salawat and mention the names of the five daily salat as indicated under the content, Tell the pupils the time of each prayer as well as the number of raka’h it contains

The Pupils should Listen to the teacher’s explanations, Pronounce the names of the şalawât, and pay special attention to the time of each şalawât and the number or raka’ah it contains.

Week 5: The teacher should Take the pupils out of the classroom to demonstrate various stages of a raka’ah, Call out pupils in turns to demonstrate as well, Explain that prayer is an act of obedience to Allah

The Pupils should Observe the teacher closely while demonstrating the şal ah, Demonstrate how to perform a raka’ah, Mention that prayer is an act of obedience to

Week 6: The teacher should Revise with the pupils how salah is performed, Recite the text of al-Adhan and ask pupils to recite it after him, Repeat this action several times and Tell the pupils that Al-Adhan is said few minutes before every obligatory salaat.

The Pupils should Recite the text of al-Adhan after the teacher and Repeat this several times.

Week 8: The teacher with the pupils should Explain that the purpose of al¬Adhan is to alert Muslims and invitees to the congregational solah

Week 9 & 10: The teacher with the pupils should Demonstrate Islamic rules of conduct relating to: Table -Manners; -Sneezing; -greetings etc, State the reasons why Islamic rules of conduct should be observed and state why greetings are important in Islam.

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