Scheme of work

Information Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Information Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

In the modern age of education, information technology is an essential area, and when it comes to subjects such as IT, students must be introduced to computers and the internet from an early age.

The Information Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5 is created in the scope of introducing students to the basics of computers, computer games, computer care, protection, and the internet. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the scheme of work, focusing on the first, second, and third term.

This topic on the first term of the Information Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5 includes compound cleaning and revision, computer games, types of computer games and prediction of the action of the key players in a computer game, computer games as a source of entertainment and education.

During the first week, the lesson students will cover compound cleaning and revision in preparation for subsequent teachings of the term.

Week Two – The general idea of computer games, definition and types of computer games, what are adventurous games, action games, academic games, definition and types of types of adventurous games (Crash Bandicoot, Mario, and how interested in playing), and how to play adventurous games.

Week Three – adventurous games, definition and types (Crash Bandicoot, Mario, and how interested in playing), and how to play adventurous games.

Week Four – action games, the definition of action, and how to play action games.

Academic games which includes chess, book norm and how to play academic game will be taught in week five. In week six, the prediction of action of key players in computer game is taught. In week seven, how to play computer games will be taught. For example, how to navigate to games through a computer system.

The suggestions made on possible solutions to key problems in computer games are taught in week eight. In week nine, and for the last weeks ten and eleven, computer games as a source of entertainment and source of education will be taught respectively. The latter will emphasize more on how computer games are a source of education

The topics to be covered in second term will be on compound cleaning and revision, care of computers, protection of computers, and the hard disk. Week 1: compound cleaning and revision, the topics are to enable students to be prepared on what will be taught during this term.

Week 2 steps for caring for computers. * Ways of caring for computer hardware-week 3. Week 4 C are and protection of computers with a special emphasis on reasons for taking care of computers. Computer hard disk-week 5.

Moreover, week six should not only emphasize precautions in caring for human-ware but also computer-ware. Week seven should focus on the reasons for taking care of human-ware, with week eight focusing on the protection of computers I. Dust-free the computer and use power surge protector.

Week nine should cover the protection of computers II, including the use of passwords and antivirus. Finally, weeks ten and eleven would conclude term by teaching the protection of computers III, which need to focus on physical security, encryption, and internal audit.

On the third term of the Information Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5, students are taught compound cleaning and a review, the internet, connecting to the internet, electronic mail, and misuse or abuse of the internet. Example of notes or script for info-tech week . Please note that in Week 1, rather than introduce students to the new term content, let the students be involved in compound cleaning and a review to get them started for the term’s learnings.

Week two make the user learn about the internet, which is the world’s largest computer network, and the World Wide Web . Week three connecting to the internet which includes a computer, modem, browser software, and an account with an Internet service provider, and week four electronic mail e – mail and week five, which is website address. Week six internet browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Mozilla Firefox and week seven sending and receiving e-mails on the Internet .

During the ninth week, the student will be introduced to the benefits of using the internet. Weeks ten and eleven steps with the student covering the misuse or abuse of the internet. This may include fraud and dealing with pornographic materials.

First Term Information Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1Compound Cleaning and Revision 
      2      Computer Games1.  Definition of Computer game 2.  Types of Computer game –  Adventurous game –  Action games –  Academic games
3Types of Computer game –  Adventurous game  1.  Definition of Adventurous games 2.  Types of Adventurous games –  Crash Bandicot –  Mario –  How to play adventurous game
4Types of Computer game –  Action game  1.  Definition of Action games 2.  Types of Adventurous games –  Dave –  Prince –  Contra –  How to play adventurous game
5Types of Computer game –  Academic game  1.  Definition of Action games 2.  Types of Academic games –  Chess –  Book Norm –  How to play Academic game
6Prediction of Action of key Players in a Computer game  Prediction of Action of key Players in a Computer game  
7How to play Computer game1.  Navigate to games on a computer System 2.  How to play Computer game
8Suggestion of Possible Solutions to key Problems1.  Suggestion of Possible Solutions to key Problems 2.  Play Computer game
9Computer games as a Source of EntertainmentReasons why Computer game is a  Source of Entertainment
10 & 11Computer games as a Source of EducationReasons why Computer game as a Source of Education

Second Term Information Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1Compound Cleaning and Revision 
2Care of ComputersSteps for caring for Computers
3Care of ComputersWays caring for Computers hardware
4Care  and Protection of ComputersReasons for taking care of Computers
5Care for the hard DiskWays caring for Computers hard Disk
6Care for the human-warePrecautions in caring for human-ware
7Care for the human-wareReasons for taking care of human-ware
8Protection of Computer IProtection of Computers: 1.  Dust free the Computer 2.  Use power surge protector
9Protection of Computer IIProtection of Computers: 1.  using Password     2.  using Antivirus
10 & 11Protection of Computer IIIProtection of Computers through: 1.  physical security 2.  encryption 3.  internal audit

Third Term Information Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1Compound Cleaning and Revision 
2    internet1.  Internet (the largest Computer network in the world) 2.  World Wide Web (www) etc
3Connecting to the internetConnect with: 1.  A computer 2.  A modem 3.  Browser (software) 4.  An account with an internet Service Provider (ISP)
4Electronic Mail (e-mail)Meaning of Electronic Mail (e-mail)
5Website address bar Meaning of website address
6Internet BrowserInternet Browser –  Microsoft Internet Explorer –  Netscape –  Mozilla Fire Fox
  7  Sending and Receiving e-mail  Sending and Receiving e-mail on the internet
8Access the InternetActivities carried out on the internet –  charting –  sending and receiving e-mail –  obtaining information by visiting website
9Benefits of InternetUses and benefits of internet
10 & 11Misuse or Abuse of the internetAbuse of the Internet –  fraud –   pornography


Information Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 5 aims to introduce the pupils to the basics of computers, computer games, care of computers, protection of computers, and the internet. The scheme covers several topics based on different themes; they include types of computer games, connecting to the internet, electronic mail, and misuse or abuse of the internet.

From this scheme of work, pupils will be able to care for their computers, protect their computers, connect to the internet, and use electronic mail. The work will help the pupils to be IT proficient, a skill essential for learners of the 21 st century.

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