Scheme of work

History Scheme Of Work for Primary 1

History Scheme Of Work for Primary 1

History is the activity that studies occurrences in the past and their impact on the present and future. The subject relies on what has happened to depict who we are, where we come from, and what we stand to achieve.

Generally, history is less concerned with actual dates and facts than stories, people, cultures, and humanity’s values. This History Scheme Of Work for Primary 1 pupils is built around teaching history as an activity.

Moreover, the pupils will investigate themes surrounding their identity, heritage, and those about other people and past events of their nation.

Learners will also understand the purpose of various celebrations and festivals and the roles played by local and national heroes.

Therefore, a well-sequenced History scheme is critical for the Primary 1 curriculum. Such a curriculum fosters the interest of young learners and becomes the first step toward lifetime learning and engagement in the past.

More so, history learning adds to pupils skills such as critical thinking, communication, empathy, creativity and, understanding other’s viewpoints.

In the long run, the pupils also acquire gratitude for diversity and other people’s differences. The scheme will give the learners a favourable and enjoyable learning experience that will mould them into loving history lovers and responsible citizens.

Objectives of the History Scheme of Work for Primary 1

First Term Objectives

Week 1-3: Discuss the meaning of Family History

Week 4- 5: Explain different Peoples and places in the community

Week 6: Understand the meaning and names of Heroes and Heroines in the community

Week 8-9: Describe the Traditional rulers in the community

Week 10-11: Explain the meaning of Titleholders, different traditional titleholders in the community and the Name of the local government area in the state where the school is located

Second Term Objectives

Week 1-3: Discuss the Important places in the community like markets, schools, hospitals etc

Week 4- 5: identify the achievements of heroes and Heroines in the community

Week 6: know the the name of traditional rulers in the community

Week 8-9: Know the name of traditional rulers in the community

Week 10-11: Know the name of local government chairman

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First-Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-3: Meaning of History and tell the histories of their families

Week 4:-5 Mention 2 groups of peoples in the community and Mention 3 different groups of people in the local government area.

Week 6: State the meaning of heroes and heroines and Name 2 heroes and heroines in the community

Week 8-9: Explain the meaning of a traditional ruler and Mention the names of the traditional rulers in the community

Week 10-11: Explain the meaning of traditional title holder and Mention 2 traditional title holders in the community

Second Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-3: Mention 2 name of important places in the community.

Week 4:-5 Mention the achievements of 2 heroes and heroines within the community

Week 6: Mention 2 roles of traditional rulers

Week 8-9: Mention 2 duties of traditional title holders in the community

Week 10-11: Mention the name of the local government chairperson.

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First Term History Scheme of Work for Primary 1

1,2,&3Concept of HistoryMeaning of Histroy/Family historyMeaning of History Family History
4 &5Origin and PeoplingPeoples and places in the communityPeoples in the community where the school is located. Peoples in the local government where the school is located
6Heroes & Heroines in NigeriaHeroes and Heroines in the communityMeaning of Heroes and Heroines Names of Hereos and Heroines in the community where the school is located
7Summative test and Mid-term break  
8 &9Political DevelopmentTraditional rulersMeaning of traditional rulers, the name of the traditional ruler in the community where the school is located.
10 & 11Title holders and The local Government chairpersonMeaning of the title holder. Various traditional titile holders in the community, Name of the local government area where the school Is located.
12&13 Revision/Examination

Second Term History Scheme of Work for Primary 1

1,2,&3Origin and peoplingPeoples and places in the communityImportant places in the community where the school is located. Markets, schools, hospitals, Places of worship, palace, village square, community halls etc.
4 &5Heroes and Heroines in NigeriaHeroes and Heroines in the communityAchievements of heroes and Heroines in the community
6Political Development in NigeriaTraditional rulersThe name of traditional rulers in the community where the school is located.
7Summative test and Mid-term break  
8 Political Development in NigeriaTitle holdersVarious title holders in the community
9 & 10  Political Development in NigeriaLocal Government ChairpersonName of the local government chairperson
11 – 13Revision / Examination  

Read More: Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Teacher’s and Pupils Activities

First Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-3: The teacher should guide the pupils to state the meaning of History, tell the pupils a brief history of his/her own family so that they can understand the concept of family history and guide the pupils to tell the histories of their own families.

The pupils should state the meaning of History, listen carefully to the story about the teacher’s family history and tell the histories of their own families

Week 4-5: The teacher should explain to the pupils that there are different groups of peoples in the community and that they can be identified by their language and culture and guide the pupils to identify the different groups of people that live in their community

The pupils should listen to the teacher’s explanation and identify the different groups of peoples in the community.

Week 6: The teacher lead the pupils to state the meaning of heroes and heroines by telling them stories about local heroes and heroines and guide the pupils to mention the names of some heroes and heroines in the community where the schools located

The pupils should state the meaning of heroes and heroines and Name some heroes and heroines in the community

Week 8-9 : The teacher explain the meaning of traditional rulersand guide the pupils to mention the names of traditional rulers in the community where the school Is located

The pupils should say what they understand by traditional rulers in their own words and mention the names of the traditional rulers in the community where the school Is located

Week 10-11: The teacher guide pupils to explain the meaning of the holder, guide pupils to identify the various traditional title holders in the community and Guide the pupils to state the name of the local government area where the school Is located

The pupils should explain the meaning of title holder in their own words, identify various traditional title holders in the community and state the name of the local government area where the school is located

Second Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-3: The teacher should Show the pupils Pictures of the different peoples in the local government. The pupils should observe the pictures shown by teacher and identify the peoples in the pictures.

Week 4-5: The teacher should guide the pupils to mention the achievements of heroes and heroines in the community. The pupils should mention some of the achievements of heroes and heroines in the community

Week 6: The teacher should guide the pupils to identify the roles of traditional rulers.. The pupils should state the roles of traditional rulers

Week 8-9 : The teacher should guide pupils to mention the duties of titleholders in the community. The pupils should mention the duties of title holders in the community

Week 10-11: The teacher guide the pupils to mention the name of the local government chairperson. The pupils should mention the name of the local government chairperson

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