Scheme of work

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Civic Education is an integral component of a child’s education because it exposes them to the society in which they reside and how it operates. In this respect, the Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4 has been developed to equip children aged from 8-9 years with detailed knowledge about governance, national values, ethnicity, and their values.

The scheme of work is arranged in three terms with different content based on the understanding of Civic Education. In term one, for example, there is an introduction about governance which includes types of governance and the structure and characteristics of good governance.

Additionally, there is a lesson about the meaning and types of government, the arms of government, and the roles of government. This is finalized with a revision lesson and examination to assess that the pupils have understood the course.

The second term of the Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4 is based on national values, nation-building, and the roles of parents and children in building a nation. Among the topics, there are the meaning of national values and types of national values, the importance of national values and the nature of a nation.

Position duties and responsibilities of parents and children in nation-building. The term is completed by the pupils’ final revision and examination to guarantee a good understanding of the lesson

The third term of the scheme of work is pertains about ethnicity and tribalism. Under this term, pupils learn about the definition of ethnicity, factors that cause ethnicity, as well as the outcomes of ethnicity that including communal violence, nepotism, conflicts, and political discordance.

Pupils also learn about the remedies to ethnicity, including the role of community leaders in maintaining peace within a living group. Moreover, pupils learn about the distinctions and similarities between ethnicity and tribalism. The term closes with a continuation test to ascertain that the pupils understand the topic adequately.

First Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4

2Definition of governance (meaning of good governance)
3Types of governance e.g Democracy governance, economic and finance governance
4What is governance structure
5Characteristics of good governance
6Definition of government and types of government
7Mid-term Break
8Arms of governments (legislative, executive, judiciary)
9Function of government
10Difference between the various types of government
11Problems facing government
12Solution to problem facing government

Second Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4

2Meaning of Nation value & example
3Types of national value e.g (civil value)
4Importance of National values
5Characteristic of national values
6Meaning of a nation
7Mid-term Break
8Characteristics of a nation e.g (common territory. common customs and tradition, common language)
9Reason why we should build our nation
10Duties and responsibilities of parents and children in building the nation

Third Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4

2Meaning of ethnicity
3Causes of ethnicity
4Consequences of ethnicity. E.g. communal violence, nepotism, conflicts, political disagreement
5Solution to ethnicity
6Duties of community leaders in ensuring peaceful coexistence
7Mid-term Break
8Tribalism and ethnicity (Meanings)
9Similarities between ethnicity and tribalism
10Similarities between ethnicity and tribalism(continued)
13 Examination


The Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4 is a continuum subject that teaches pupils about governance, national values, ethnicity and many others. The scheme of work is structured to cover all aspects and ensure pupils of the age bracket of 8-9 years have a complete knowledge of their communities and how they operate.

It comprises three terms covering the subject’s elements and evidence-based tests at the end of each term for three weeks to revise them and examine the pupils.

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