Scheme of work

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1 is so important for primary school pupils, especially those in Primary 1. In this stage, the students are taught the rudimentary of respect, how to obey rules and regulations and the importance of civic rights and responsibilities.

The Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1 helps the pupils to realize the importance of respect, rules and regulations and the role of government in their lives daily.

The Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1 has three terms, and all have been elaborated based on themes and subthemes. The first term is respect, and under this, pupils learn what respect is as a concept.

Similarly, they learn what should be respected, including things, places, and people. The ways through which respect is shown have been expounded. The second term is focused on rules and regulations and covers the meaning of these concepts.

Pupils learn the benefits of obeying rules and regulations and the consequences of not following or breaking them.

The third term is all about the importance of Civic Education. In this case, pupils learn from the topics under Civic Education, key areas and discussions, and public health enlightenment campaigns.

The Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1 contains a timetable, which is divided into weeks and themes. For each week, a specific number of periods is attributed to Civic Education as a subject.

This timetable provides a good framework for teachers to adhere to. It is also flexible because schools are allowed to alter their pace based on their classes.

Objectives of Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1

First Term Objectives

Week 1-3: Define respect

Week 4- 6: Identify people, places and things to respect

Week 8- 10: Demonstrate ways of respecting people, Places and things

Second Term Objectives

Week 1-3: Explain the meaning of rules and regulations

Week 4- 6: Mention some of the gains of obeying rules and regulations

Week 8- 9: Mention the results of disobeying rules and regulations

Week 10: Mention the rules and regulations for food and drug administration

Third Term Objectives

Week 1-3: Mention the topics learnt in Civic Education and their importance

Week 4- 6: Mention the topics learnt in Civic Education and their importance

Week 8- 10: Identify some Public health enlightenment Campaigns as part of Civic Education

Learning Outcomes of Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1

First-Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-3: Define the concept of respect

Week 4- 6: Mention places or objects that should be respect and mention two reasons why we should respect elders, parents, teacher, religious and political leaders

Week 8- 10: Demonstrate how to show respect for people, places and things

Second Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-3: Pupils should Say what they are expected to do and not to do in their community

Week 4- 6: Mention gains of obeying rules and regulations

Week 8- 9: Mention results of disobeying rules and regulations

Week 10: Mention three rules and regulations of NAFDAC on foods and drugs control

Third Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-3: Pupils should say what is important to Civic Education in Nigeria

Week 4- 6: Enumerate three benefits derivable from studying Civic Education

Week 8- 10: Mention any two public Health enlightenment/awareness Campaigns

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First Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1

1 – 3People, places and objects to respectMeaning of Respect -Feeding of admiration for something or somebody because of their good qualities or achievement -Polite behavior towards or care for somebody/thing/place you think is important.
4 – 6 People to Respect:Traditional rulers,ParentsReligious leaders etc.Place / things to RespectTime,Public properties -Constitution -Mace, -National flags, -Places, and utilities
8 & 9 Respecting people e.g. greetings, running errands.
10 Respecting things e.g. standing for the National Anthem
12 & 13Examination 

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Second Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1

1-3Rules and Regulations in the societyMeaning of rules and regulations -Do’s and don’ts that guide social behavior
4 – 6 Gains of obeying rules and regulations e.g. love by elders, Gift from elders and friends, praise etc.
8 & 9 Results of disobeying rules and regulations e.g. unhappiness, punishment, denial of privileges such as food, playing with mates, etc. rejection by love ones
10 NAFDAC laws and Regulations on food and Drug control e.g. Quality control law, laws on sale and use of foods, medicines and cosmetics, laboratory laws, importation laws, etc.
12. & 13Examination 

Third Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1

1 – 3Importance of Civic Education(1) Why Study Civic Education Understand democratic and civic rights and responsibilities, Nuture and sustain democracy etc.
4 – 6 (2) Topics and importance of Civic Education -Learn about systems and institution of government, democratic processes etc. -Acquire skills such as active citizenship,
7Mid Term Test 
8- 11Summary & Revision 
12 & 13Examination 

Teacher’s and Pupils Activities

First Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-3: The teacher should tell pupils stories on why we should respect elders and leaders. Pupils should listen to the stories and participate in class discussion

Week 4- 6: The teacher should show pupils charts and pictures of Mosque, Church, Flag, Mace and the Nigerian constitution etc. The pupils should look and interpret the pictures and regalia

Week 8- 10: The teacher with the pupils should demonstrate how to respect: people, places, things and time

Second Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-3: The teacher should lead class discussion on the meaning of rules and regulations. The pupils should participate in class discussion on rules and regulations

Week 4- 6: The teacher should show pictures, videos, clips of children receiving gifts and guide discussion on the various gains for obeying rules. The pupils should interpret the pictures on children receiving gifts and participate in discussion.

Week 8- 9: The teacher should present pictures of children suffering from the results of disobeying rules, regulation and lead class discussion on the pictures. The pupils should describe pictures of children suffering from the results of disobeying laws.

Week 10: The teacher with the pupils should discuss the NAFDAC rules and regulation on food and drug control

Third Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-3: The teacher should guide and discussion on the need for Civic Education. The pupils should listen to teacher’s explanation

Week 4- 6: The teacher should lead pupils to mention the topic and specific benefits of learning Civic Education. The pupils should contribute to discussions by mentioning the specific benefits of learning Civic Education

Week 8- 10: The teacher should guide the class to identify some ways of public health enlightenment campaigns as part of civic education. The pupils should identify ways of public health enlightenment campaigns as part of Civic Education


The Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1 is a well-laid-out program that addresses the significance of respect, obedience to rules and regulations, as well as civic rights and responsibilities to be taught to primary school pupils.

Hence, to ensure that pupils learn and comprehend the Civic Education principles, it is essential that teachers implement the scheme appropriately.

Amazingly, if the students are accorded proper guidance and support in this program, they will develop to be remarkable citizens who impact their societies positively.

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