Scheme of work

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

The Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1 is intended only for pupils of 5 – 6 years of age, in the first year of primary school.

All the topics and themes covered in the scheme of work are closely related to the pupils’ level and interest. The work is to be conducted in three terms of a single year. Each term has its topic and content.

Below are the desired performance objectives, contents, teacher’s activities, pupils’ activities, and teaching/learning resources for each topic.

Objectives of Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

First Term Objectives

Week 1-2: Discuss the attributes of God as; creator, invisible, all power, present everywhere – etc. Mention what God created and why God created things and man.

Week 3- 4: Enumerate ways in which God has shown goodness to us, explain why God shows us His goodness and describe some good things they can give to other people.

Week 5 – 6: Discuss the visit of the Angel to Mary, Angel to Joseph and Shepherd to Mary (Three wise men)

Week 8: Describe the birth of Jesus and explain why we celebrate Christmas

Week 9 – 10: Explain how God is our father and state the duties and responsibilities of fathers to their children, and children to their parents. Relate these to the things God does for us as children of God and What we must do as children to God. Discuss instances where the Bible refers to God as our father.

Second Term Objectives

Week 1-2: Enumerate some ways we show our thanks to God, our Father and explain why they should thank God for what God has done for them.

Week 3-4: Recite Ps.l03:l-2, Sing a song of praise, and mention some names of people in the Bible who sang praises to God and give reasons for praising God

Week 5-6: Explain why we should always pray to God, identify how we should pray to God our Father and say a personal prayer

Week 8 – 10: Explain what Jesus taught us to do for God our Father, Read the Bible, say the prayers, listen to
Bible teachings (Catechism
Sunday School)

Third Term Objectives

Week 1-2: Explain the meaning of Jesus and Emmanuel, discuss the saving acts of Jesus in the Bible, name people that Jesus saved in the Bible and relate these saving acts to Jesus promises to save us in today’s world

Week 3- 4: Name the Apostles whom Jesus called His brothers, name some people in the Bible Jesus called His friends, explain what Jesus does for us as His brothers and friends, describe the things we must do as brothers and friends of Jesus

Week 5- 6: Describe the things Jesus asked His disciples to do in demonstration of their love for God, recite the Bible verse where Jesus commands us to love one another, identify the qualities of Godly (Christian) love and discuss the importance of loving one another.

Week 8- 10: Name people in the Bible that obeyed God, discuss what they did to show obedience to God, recite the10 commandments of God and describe the rewards received for obeying God

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Learning Outcomes of Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

First-Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-2: Describe the attributes of God, mention three of God’s creatures and mention two reasons why God created them

Week 3- 4: List two ways in which God has been good to us and our parents, give three reasons God is good to us and mention five good things we can do for others

Week 5 – 6: Pupils to tell the story about the birth of Jesus and the visit of angels

Week 8: Pupils to tell the story about the birth of Jesus, explain why Christians celebrate Christmas

Week 9 – 10: Mention three things we must do as children of God, describe four ways God shows us that He is our father and state two instances that the Bible calls us children of God -God our father

Second Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-2: List two ways of giving thanks to God and give two reasons for thanking God

Week 3-4: Recite memory verse, sing a song of praise, mention two people who sang praises to God and give two reasons for praising God

Week 5-6: Discuss why we should pray, say how we should pray, mention what we should pray for and say the Lord’s prayer

Week 8 – 10: Describe the things Jesus told us to do for God our Father and state five rewards we receive for praying and reading the Bible.

Third Term Learning Outcome

Week 1-2: State the meaning of Jesus and Emmanuel, describe two things in the Bible that Jesus did to save people, mention three people Jesus saved in the Bible and identify three ways we have been saved by Jesus.

Week 3- 4: Explain how we can become brothers and sisters of Jesus, mention things they can do to show brotherly and sisterly love to one another and List what Jesus does to help us as His brothers, sisters and friends

Week 5- 6: Mention three things Jesus asked His disciples to do in demonstration of their love for God, recite the memory verse where Jesus commands us to love one another, enumerate the qualities of Christian love and state the importance of love

Week 8- 10: Mention at least three people in the Bible who obeyed God, state the rewards for obeying God and recite the 10 commandments

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First Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

1-2God the Creator(1) Who is God? Ek.3:6, Deut.l0:17
(2) God created all things (sun, moon, stars, plants, animals and man etc. -Gen.1:1-27,
(3) Why God created things (for his glory, for man’s provisions)
Gen.1,1-2, Rom.1:20, Rev.4:ll
(4) Why God created man Gen.1:26-28 (To know Him, love Him, Serve Him and to maintain and rule over all creatures
3-4God the Giver of
Good Things
(1) Evidences of God’s goodness (giving of life, good health, protection etc. Gen.1:26-28;
Gen.2:7; Gen.9:l-9; Eks.l4:19-20′
Eks 17:6; Num.11:32; Jn.l:17
(2) Reasons for God’s goodness to us:
He created us He loves us.
(3) The good things we can give to others.
5-6God’s Gift of His
(1) Tells the story about the birth of Jesus and the visit to Joseph
(3) Birth of Jesus Christ Lk.2:l-7; Matt.l:8-25
(4) Visit of Angels to shepherds
(5) Visit of the three wise
men. Matt.2:1-
7Mid – Term Test
8God’s Gift of His
Christmas helps us remember the birth of Jesus Christ
9 -10God is our father(1) We are children God: Gen.1:27-28; Jn.l:12;
lJn.3:10; lPet.2:9
(2) Our role as children of God -Worship God
-Prayer -Obedience
(3) Role of God as our father -Protects -Cares
Provides for us (food, shelter
etc) Gen.9:1-3; Gen.2:7-16 Guides
12 & 13 Examination

Second Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

1-2Things we must do as children of God(1) Thanking God our father
-Ways of thanking God (singing, praise, praying, worship, offering, etc -Reasons for thanking God (He protects, cares, guides and provides for us) Psalm 121
3-4Things we must do as children of God (Contd)(1) Praising God our Father. Ps.148:5;
Ps.146; Ps.103; Ps.150 -Recitation of Ps.103:1- 2
-Some songs of praise in the Bible Lk.2:29-32 -People in the Bible who sang praises to God (David, Moses, Hannah, Mariam,
Simeon, Mary) -Reasons for praising
-Gratitude -Appreciation for more blessings etc.
5-6Things we must do as children of God (Contd)(1) Talking to God our Father in prayer -Reasons for praying to God our Father -For God’s help -For gratitude -For forgiveness for blessings…etc
• How to pray to God our Father (matt.6:9- 13)
-Praise and thanks
Forgiveness/confession -Supplication
• Personal Prayers
7Mid – Term Test
8 – 10Discovering God through Jesus(1) The teachings of Jesus
-Jesus taught us to obey God our father. Matt.21:28-31; Love
God, Worship God, Serving God, Obeying God….etc
-Memory verses that gives joy to have God. Jn.14:6-7
(2)Jesus teachings about God in the Gospels
-Prayer as a way of discovering God -Listening to Bible teachings as a way of discovering God.
12 & 13 Examination

Third Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

1-2Jesus our
(1) Jesus Our Saviour and Emmanuel ls.53:5; Matt.l:21-23; Isa.53:5;
(2) Saving acts of Jesus (by His teachings, deliverance, death and resurrection
ls.61:l-3, Lk.4:18-21, Mk.l:38; Jh.19:16-18
3-4Jesus our brother and friend(1) Jesus describes His brothers: Mk.3:31-35, Gal.3:26-29,
(2) Jesus defines His friends
(3) What Jesus does for us as friends Jh.15:15
(4) How we can be friends of Jesus
-Love God, Obeying God keep God’s commandments Jn.14:15
Commands us to love
(1) Jesus want us to love God: Deut.5:6-21; Matt.22:36-38;
Lk.l0:27; Ps.27
(2) Jesus want us to love one another lPet.4:8-9,
Jn.13:35; Jn.15:12-14
(3) Qualities of Christian love lCor.13
(4) Why Jesus want us to love lJn.4:7-8
7Mid – Term Test
8 – 10 Jesus wants us to obey and keep God’s commandment(1) Meaning and instances of obedience to God. Gen.12:2- 49; Gen.22:1-12; Ex.3:5; Luk.l:26- 38 Phi.2:6-8
(2) The commandment of God Ek.20:l- 17, Deut.5:6-21
(3) Rewards for obeying and keeping God’s commandments. Phil.2:9;
Gen.12:4-49; Deut.28:l-14;
12 & 13 Examination

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Teacher’s and Pupils Activities

First Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-2: The teacher should narrate the story of God’s creation, guide the discovery of God’s creatures, explain the need to love and maintain God’s creatures (avoid destruction habits), teach the pupils to be creative

The pupils should listen to the story of creation, point to pictures of the sun, sky, plant, animals etc, participate in mentioning and touching some of God’s creatures, and draw three creatures of God e.g. plant animal and man.

Week 3- 4: The teacher should sing songs and choruses about the goodness of God, lead the pupils to identify reasons why God shows us His goodness, use Bible references to explain the good things we enjoy from God and guide pupils to enumerate some good things they can give other people.

The pupils should participate in singing songs and choruses, listen to Bible passages showing the goodness of God, and discuss the good things God has done for them and the different ways they can show goodness to each other.

Week 5 – 6: The teacher should tell the story about the birth of Jesus and the visit of The three wise men and lead the class to dramatize the visit of the wise men

The pupils should participate in discussion and dramatization of the visit of the angel, ask and answer questions on the visit of the angel and memorize

Week 8: The teacher discusses the purpose of Christmas, and leads the singing of Christmas carols. The pupils should participate in discussion and dramatization of the birth of Jesus and ask and answer questions on birth of Jesus Christ

Week 9 – 10: The teacher teaches the song Children of God Will You Shout Alleluia?, guides pupils to Identify things that fathers do for their children, compare these with things God does for us, reads Bible verses that refer to us as children of God and tell the things God does for His children

The pupils should sing songs that depict them as children of God, listen to Bible stories and passages, ask and answer questions, dramatize the responsibilities of a father to children and participate in class discussion

Second Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-2: The teacher should tell the story of the healing of the ten lepers, explain why we should thank God for what He has done for us anddiscuss ways to express our thanks to God

The pupils should participate in discussions on ways of thanking God, sing songs of thanksgiving e.g Matt.11:25; Lk.l:46-55; ISam.2:1-11

Week 3-4: The teacher should guide the pupils in the recitation of Ps.l03:l-2, lead in the songs of praise, and mention people in the Bible who sang praises to God Leads the pupils in discussing reasons, for praising God

The pupils should recite the Bible passage, participate in discussion on why we should praise God, sing-song of praise and ask and answer questions song of praise

Week 5-6: The teacher should tell stories on the importance of prayer, show pupils how to pray (e.g Kneeling, standing, closing of eyes), lead pupils to Learn to pray in the classroom and teach pupils to recite the Lord’s prayer

The pupils should participate in recitation of the Lord’s prayer and participate in prayers

Week 8 – 10: The teacher should guide pupils and explain how Jesus taught us to obey God, read Bible verses where Jesus teaches about obedience to God, teach pupils how to pray and encourage the pupils to attend their church programmes

The pupils should sing songs of Joy of God, listen to Bible stories, ask and answer questions and demonstrate how to pray

Third Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-2: The teacher should read the Bible passages where God
promises us, Jesus and Emmanuel, describe the meaning of Jesus and Emmanuel, guide class discussion on the saving actions of Jesus, the people He saved, how he saved and What Jesus did for us

The pupils should listen to Bible stories and passages, participate in class discussions, ask and answer questions related to God
promises to us, Jesus and Emmanuel.

Week 3- 4: The teacher should read and explain the
Bible passages where Jesus defines His brothers and friends, lead the class in role-playing brothers and sisters helping one another and leads pupils to discuss what we have to show that we are brothers and friends of Jesus

The pupils participate in the role-play of brothers and sisters helping one another, participate in class discussions on brothers and friends of Jesus

Week 5- 6: The teacher should read Bible passages where Jesus asked -His disciples to love Us, to love God and one another, explain the teaching of Jesus on love, guide a class discussion on the qualities of Christian love and Why Jesus wants us to love one another

The pupils should listen to Bible passages and stories about the teaching of Jesus on love, ask and answer questions about The qualities of Christian love, participate in class discussions on how to love and play the roles of a father’s love for his son

Week 8- 10: The teacher should read Bible passages where people obeyed God and the rewards they received, guide pupils to recite the 10 commandments, lead the pupils to discover what Jesus wants us to do in obedience to God

The pupils should listen to Bible passages
Read, ask and answer questions on where people obeyed God and the rewards they received, participate in class discussion on rewards for obeying God, learn and memorize 10 commandments

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