Scheme of work

Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 1

The Basic Technology scheme of work for Primary 1 is critical in shaping young learners’ view of life and the future. This is because the scheme ascertains the elementary introduction to technology and its use.

The lesson seeks to equip young learners to be interested in technology and how they can apply the same in their daily life. Therefore, the scheme has two broad areas of focus: how things work and how young learners can design and make things for specific purposes.

The First aspect details more about what things are made from materials and components, mechanisms and products, structures, products available.

They also learned about quality and safety in relation to technology. The second aspect involved learning about the design process, covering the identified problem, the idea generated, the plan, the item made, the testing, and the evaluation.

As well as, the students were exposed to the different types of technology. They also learn how to use and identify simple machines as well as their examples.enerated idea, the plan, the item made, and the evaluation. They learn the following:

Thus, the scheme of work promotes students’ curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving activities. It also fosters positive attitudes towards technology and its role in human society .

While engaging in physical activities and assignments, students apply their skills and knowledge to authentic learning situations and problems. In addition, the scheme of work fosters students’ literacy, numeracy, and communication skills as well as their personal and social development.

Overall, the Basic Technology scheme of work for Primary 1 students is a broad and engaging curriculum that prepares young children for the future.

Students research, find, and appreciate the world of technology and its benefits. They also learn how to be creative and responsible technology patrons and producers.

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Objectives of Basic Technology scheme of work for Primary 1

First Term Objectives

Week 1-2: Give the meaning of simple machine

Week 3-4: Identify and collect simple machines in the school

Week 5-6: Draw Simple machines in the school

Week 8-9: Use simple machines in a safe way

Week 10: identify dangers in the use of simple machines

Second Term Objectives

Week 2-4: explain the meaning of energy

Week 5-6: Mention at least five examples of people doing some work

Week 8-10: Revise all the topics from the beginning of the term

Third Term Objectives

Week 3-6: Give at least three examples of things that use energy

Week 8-10: Perform activities involving the use of energy

Learning Outcomes of Basic Technology scheme of work for Primary 1

First-Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-2: Pupils to state the meaning of simple machine

Week 3-4: Mention simple machines in the school

Week 5-6: Draw five simple machines in the school

Week 8-9: Demonstrate how to use some simple machines

Week 10: Mention at least two dangers in the use of simple machines

Second Term Learning Outcomes

Week 2-4: State the meaning of energy and Perform activities to show the meaning of energy

Week 5-6: List any five examples of people doing some work

Third Term Learning Outcomes

Week 3-6: Pupils to list at least three examples of things that use energy

Week 8-10: Perform activities that show the use of energy

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First Term Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 1

1 – 2Simple machinesPupils should be able to: Give the meaning of simple machineMeaning of simple machine (a device that makes work easy e.g. spoon, see­saw / swing, Hoe, cutlass etc)
3 – 4Simple MachinesIdentify and collect simple machine in the schoolExamples of simple machines in the school (e.g. broom, see- saw/swing spoon etc.)
5 – 6Simple MachinesDrawing Simple machines in the schoolDrawing broom, spoon, hoe etc.
8 – 9Simple MachinesUse simple machines in a safe wayThe safe use of simple machines
10Simple MachinesPupils should be able to identify dangers in the use of simple machinesThe dangers in the use of simple machines
12 & 13Examination

Second Term Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 1

2 – 4EnergyPupils should be able to explain the meaning of energyMeaning of Energy
5 – 6EnergyPupils should be able to mention at least five examples of people doing some workExamples of people doing some work

Third Term Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 1

3 – 6EnergyPupils should be able to give at least three examples of things that use energyExamples of things that use energy
8 – 10EnergyPupils should be able to perform activities involving the use of energyActivities involves the use of energy

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Teacher’s and Pupils Activities

First Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-2: The teacher should Provide samples of simple machines in the home and school. The Pupils should State the meaning of simple machine

Week 3-4: The teacher should Lead pupils to mention different examples of simple machines in the school. The pupils should Collect and identify simple machines

Week 5-6: The teacher should guide the pupils to draw simple machines in the school. The Pupils should Draw simple machines in the school..

Week 8-9: The teacher should Lead pupils to use some simple machines (broom, pair of scissors, see-saw/swing etc.) and Demonstrate how to safely use simple machine

The pupils should Play on a see-saw/swing

Week 10: The teacher should Guide pupils to identify the dangers of the use of simple machines. The pupils should Identify dangers in the use of simple machines.

Second Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 2-4: The teacher should Guide pupils to identify themselves using energy to move, write, jump, run, lift objects etc.

The Pupils should Perform simple activities showing the use of energy such as walking, running, jumping and lifting an object.

Week 5-6: The teacher should Guide pupils using charts/pictures of people doing some work. The pupils should Identify from charts/pictures of people doing some work

Third Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 3-6: The teacher should guide pupils using charts and posters to identify objects around them where energy is used e.g. grinding machines riding a bicycle etc..

The Pupils should Identify from charts and porters’ objects that show the use of energy

Week 8-10:: The teacher should Demonstrate activities involving the use of energy e.g. running, jumping, writing etc. The pupils should Perform simple activities involving the use of energy.

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