Scheme of work

Basic Science Scheme of Work For Primary 1

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Basic Science is an important subject for Primary 1 where students are introduced to the world of science and relevant scientific skills and attitudes to prepare them for future learning in science.

The Basic Science scheme of work for primary 1 examines aspects of the subject to ensure a fair understanding, including the environment, living and non-living things, the human body, health and hygiene. Herein, the environment is looked at in terms of land, water, and air and their effects on living and non-living things.

Additionally, living and non-living things are looked at based on their characteristics and differentiation as well as their need-based classification. The human body is broken into the head, trunk, limbs, organs, and 5 senses . Finally, health and hygiene are covered.

Objectives of Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 1

First Term Objectives

Week 1-2: Observe and identify things in and around the classroom, school and home

Week 3: Identify types of roads around the school and roads outside the school

Week 4: Demonstrate walking along the road and crossing the road safely

Week 5: Identify other parts of their surroundings -Soil, air and water

Week 6: Demonstrate that air exists and Create air current by blowing with the mouth or using a paper fan.

Week 8: Demonstrate that air occupies space using balloons

Week 9-10: List the common sources of water

Second Term Objectives

Week 2-3: Identify different colours and Collect materials of different colours

Week 4: Observe road traffic lights and identify their colours

Week 5-6: State the function of each road traffic light sign.

Week 8-9: Identify road markings and their colours

Third Term Objectives

Week 2-3: Identify yourself as a living thing and Identify other living things in the classroom and school environment

Week 4-5: Identify other living things at home

Week 6: identify non-living things in the classroom

Week 8-10: identify non-living things in the school and at home

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Learning Outcomes of Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 1

First-Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-2: Identify things in and around the classroom, school and home and Sketch any two things identified in and around the classroom, school and home

Week 3: Identify different types of roads

Week 4: Demonstrate how to walk and cross a road safely

Week 5: Identify other parts of their surroundings

Week 6: Show that Air exists

Week 8: Demonstrate that air occupies space

Week 9-10: Name five common sources of water

Second Term Learning Outcomes

Week 2-3: Pupils to identify five colours

Week 4: Identify various road traffic light by the colours

Week 5-6: Identify various road traffic lights by their colours and functions

Week 8-9: Identify some road traffic markings and their colours

Third Term Learning Outcomes

Week 2-3: Identify self as living things and Identify at least two living things outside their classroom

Week 4-5: Identify at least five living things in the home

Week 6: Identify three non-living things in the classroom

Week 8-10: Identify five non¬living things around the school and in the home

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First Term Basic Science Scheme of Work For Primary 1

1 – 2Exploring your EnvironmentPupils should be able to: (1) Observe and identify things in and around the classroom, school and homeThings in and around the classroom, school and home
3Exploring your Environment(2) Identify types of roads around the school and roads outside the schoolTypes of roads within and outside the school
4Exploring your Environment(3) Demonstrate walking along the road and crossing the road safelyWalking along the road and crossing the road
5Soil, Air and WaterPupils should be able to: (1) Identify other parts of their surroundings -Soil, air and waterOther parts of the surrounding (e.g soil, water and air) -Soil
6Soil, Air and Water(1) Demonstrate that air existsAir
  (2) Create air current by blowing with the mouth or using paper fan. 
7 Mid Term Test 
8Soil, Air and WaterPupils should be able to: Demonstrate that air occupies space using balloonsAir
9 – 10Soil, Air and WaterList the common sources of waterWater
12 – 13Examination  

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Second Term Basic Science Scheme of Work For Primary 1

2-3Colour (Identification)Pupils should be able to: Identify different coloursCollect materials of different coloursColours of objects
4Colour (Identification)(3) Observe road traffic light and identify their coloursRoad traffic light signs
5 – 6Colour (Identification)(4) State the function of each road traffic light signsFunctions of road traffic light signs
8 – 9Colour (Identification)(5) Identify road markings and their coloursRoad Markings
10-11Summary and Revision

Third Term Basic Science Scheme of Work For Primary 1

2 – 3Living ThingsPupils should be able to: Identify self as a living thingIdentify other living things in the classroom and school environmentLiving Things in the school environment.
4-5Living ThingsIdentify other living things at homeLiving Things in the home
6Non-Living ThingsPupils should be able to identify non-living things in the classroomNon-living things in the classroom
8-9Non-Living ThingsPupils should be able to identify non-living things in the school and at home(1) Non-living things in the school
(2) Non-living things at home
10-11Summary & Revision  

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Teacher’s and Pupils Activities

First Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 1-2: The teacher should Takes pupils on a study walk around and outside the school. Encourages pupils to observe and list things in the home. The Pupils should observe and list things in the school environment.

Week 3: The teacher should Guides pupils to mention types of roads. The pupils should list types of roads

Week 4: The teacher should Demonstrate walking safely along the road and crossing the road. The pupils should Demonstrate working safely along the road

Week 5: The teacher should Guides pupils to identify soil, air and water as other components of the surrounding. The pupils should Touch and feel soil in the playground

Week 6: The teacher should Demonstrates the existence of air using paper or hand fan.. The pupils should Create air currents by blowing with the mouth or using hand or paper fan

Week 8: The teacher should Demonstrates that air occupies space by inflating balloons. The pupils should Inflate balloons polythene bags, Nylon etc.

Week 9-10: The teacher should Takes pupils on a tour of nearby water sources. The pupils should Mention sources of water and Recite a poem about water

Week : The teacher should . The pupils should

Second Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 2-3: The teacher should Use the Colour chart is guide pupils to identify colours, Give pupils different materials to identify different colours. and Separates colours using “lego” materials with different colours for modelling.

The Pupils should Identify colours of objects provided by the teacher

Week 4: The teacher should Draw road traffic signs for pupils to observe. The pupils should Observe road traffic light signs

Week 5-6: The teacher should Takes pupils to observe various road traffic signs in their location and Draw and match the functions of road traffic signs. The pupils should Watch the road traffic light signs as its changes and the movement of the vehicles and Match the colours of road traffic light with their functions

Week 8-9: The teacher should Supervises pupils in drawing and painting of road traffic signs. The pupils should Draw and painting of road traffic signs e.g Zebra crossing.

Third Term Teacher’s and Pupil’s Activities

Week 2-3: The teacher should Use pictures and charts to guide pupils to identify living things in the classroom and school environment and Guide pupils to explore the school surroundings identifying living things themselves

The Pupils should Identify from pictures and charts living things, Identify self as a living thing and Identify other things at school

Week 4-5: The teacher should Use Pictures and charts to guide pupils to identify living things at home. The pupils should Identify other things as living things in the home

Week 6: The teacher should Use pictures and charts to identify how non-living things in the classroom and Guide them to identify non-living things in the classroom. The pupils should Identify from pictures and charts non-living things and Identify non-living things in the classroom

Week 8-9: The teacher should Uses pictures and charts to identify non-living things in the school and at home and Guide them to identify non-living things in the school environment. The pupils should Identify non-living things from the pictures, Identify non-living thing in the school compound and Identify air, soil and water as non-living things.

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