Scheme of work

Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Physical Health Education is an essential part of the curriculum for Primary 5 students. It includes various activities and topics that promote physical activity, fitness and awareness to look after their body in the best possible way The syllabus for this subject is organized in a way to ensure students obtain an extensive understanding of every aspect of physical health and education possible.

The Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5 has been divided into three; terms, and each term is further subdivided into ranges based on topics and activities to be covered. The stipulations of these terms are made in a manner that they provide students with knowledge across physical health and fitness, along with an understanding of vital concepts pertaining to disease and disorders.

The scheme of work for Physical Health Education in Primary 5 describes the structured delivery of the nature of physical health, fitness and well-being to students It is designed to develop in young learners a habit of following healthy ways of living and also to participate actively in physical activities. Students should be better informed about nutrition as well as various health problems.

The above scheme of work is designed to be as comprehensive as possible enlisting various topics and activities that help in the overall development of the students. The scheme of work involves combined practical activities, theoretical knowledge, and health-related discussions intended to excite students as well as provide them with the required skills and knowledge to support a healthier lifestyle.

First Term Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1Creative rhythmicMarchinggalloping hooping
2 &3Measuring physical fitness components (Endurance, Strength and speed)Endurancepress upminute run, walk – bench skill on end off, squat truststrengthpull upssit upsspeed100 meters dash
4Field event (long Jump)The approach runThe take offThe flightThe landingrecovery
5Field event (High Jump)Run up, take off, flight, landing, recovery
6 & 7Soccer (ball games)Definition of ball gamesFacilities and equipment used in soccer, basket, hockey and tennis
7 & 8Ball games( Volley ball)Skills for playing volleyball. Facilities and equipment used in volleyball
9Care of the body parts (hair)Ways of taking care of the hair
10Care of the body parts (skin)Ways of taking care of the skin
11Ball games ( Basket Ball)history of basketball in Nigeria. State the facilities
12Revision of the term’s workLessons taught in the term

Second Term Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1Revision of the last term’s workPrevious Topics
2Athletics. Track events – 100m,200m, 4x 100m, hurdle Difference between sprint and long distance races
3Athletics. Track events – long distance, 400m, 800m, 1500Long distance races
4Table tennis History of table tennis in Nigeria  
5 – 6Hockey history of hockeyFacilities used in hockeySkills for playing hockeyAdvantages of playing hockey
7 – 8Maintenance of facilities and equipment Difference between sports equipment and facilitiesReasons why physical education equipment should be properly stored  
9School health programmeMeaning of school health ProgrammeComponents of school health programme
10 -11recreationDefinition of  recreational activitiesImportance of recreation  
12 & 13Revision 

Third Term Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1Revision of the last term’s workLast Term’s questions
2Introduction to direction four cardinal pointsDraw indicate the four cardinal points
3Outdoor activities (camping)Camping activities e.g. CampfireKnotsWorking in groups
4 & 5NutritionSources of food nutrientsNutritional deficiency diseasesKwashiorkorRicketsPellagra ScurvyCharacteristics of these deficient
7 & 8Judo History of judo Importance of judoRules in judoMention any three skills in JudoSkills in judo
9Swimming strokesSwimming strokes
10diseasesDifference between signs and symptomscommunicable and non – communicable diseases
11Drug educationdrug use and their consequencesways of taking drugsthrough mouthrubbing on skininjectinginhalingalcohol and tobaccodescription of alcoholtypes of alcohol drinks and tobaccoreasons fordrinking or smokingeffects of smokingeffects of drug abuse onindividualsfamilysocietyherbal medicine
12 & 13Revision and examination 


The Mathematics Scheme of Work for Primary 5 entails the Earth’s structure, plane shape and 3-dimensional shape, circle, data presentation and measure of central tendency, tossing coins and dice.

The main objectives of this lesson are knowledge about the shape of the Earth, gain some quality quantitative aptitude on parallel and perpendicular lines, triangles, cubes pyramids etc concepts about 3-dimensional shapes, find the centre point in circle radius-diameter-circumference bar graphs and pictograms data mode-mean chance events like tossing coins-throw the dice.

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