Scheme of work

Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Given that children are in the process of growth and development, it is crucial to provide them with knowledge and experience of how to secure their safety. Such knowledge is essentially acquired through the Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4 . Designed for pupils aged 8-9, this scheme addresses several important topics for acquiring the knowledge of how to keep safe in the neighbourhood:

The first term of the scheme focuses on Introducing students to the concept of Neighborhood Security: the student will be able to define the term neighbourhood, explore various kinds of neighbourhoods, and identify suspicious movements. Students will learn to report suspicious activity and the consequences of failing to do so.

The second term focuses more on neighbourhood crimes and possible prevention. Thus, the students study the kinds of criminal activities and the types of criminals, as well as dangerous places and people to avoid. They are also taught about how neighbourhood security is maintained by the police and the neighbourhood watch.

Finally, the third term of the scheme is devoted to emergencies. Among the topics that should be covered are urgent telephone numbers; the services which should be called in case of emergency and the persons whom children may contact during the criminal offence, accidents, and sexual abuse.

Thus, the Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4 establishes the fundamental knowledge which is necessary for every child to be safe in the neighbourhood. Due to the outlined range of topics, it helps to understand the basic concept of neighbourhood safety- from noticing suspicious movements to emergencies.

First Term Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4

2Introduction to neighbourhood security (Meaning of neighbourhood)
3Types of neighbourhood
4Types of neighbourhood (contd)
5Strangers in the neighbourhood
6Suspicious movement
7Mid-term Break
8Types of Suspicious movement
9Reporting suspicious movement
10Consequences of not reporting suspicious activities and movement

Second Term Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4

2Introduction to neighbourhood security (meaning)
3Neighbourhood crimes and prevent tip (meaning of crime and examples of crime)
4Keeping the neighbourhood safe and clean
5Meaning of danger
7Mid-term Break
8Avoiding dangerous places and people
9Types of neighbourhood security
10Types of neighbourhood security (contd). The function of the different agencies
11Neighbourhood watch

Third Term Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4

2Important phone numbers and their uses
3Emergency phone numbers in Nigeria
4List of government emergency lines
5List of personnel to contact during emergency
6Emergency situations that could be reported; robbery, accident, sexual abuse, etc
7Mid-term Break
8Emergency services and call numbers
9Emergency services and call numbers (continued)


From the above Security Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4, it clear that investing in security education for young pupils is an investment into our future safety as a society. Through knowledge, awareness, and attitude building, we can create a society and communities where everyone is safe and secure. As educators, parents, and policymakers, we owe it to our offspring to give them the resources they need to succeed in a protected and safe society.

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