Scheme of work

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6

The Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6 is designed to help students develop a comprehensive understanding of the societal structures, norms, and values that shape the world around them. This scheme of work encompasses a wide range of topics that are relevant to the students’ lives, including external influences on Nigerian life, family systems, cultural influences, labor and trade unions, transportation, gender discrimination, drug abuse, and physical development in youth.

In the first term, students will explore the external influences on Nigerian life, including language, family systems, and the behavior of family members. They will also delve into the impact of working parents on the Nigerian family, intermarriage, marital failure, foreign cultures affecting values and cultures, religious intolerance in Nigeria, and labor and trade unions.

The second term focuses on resources utilization, the labor force, transportation and communication, problems and solutions of air and water transportation in Nigeria, gender discrimination, group conflicts and cooperation, international organizations, peace education, and concepts of drug and drug abuse.

Finally, in the third term, students will examine the effects of substance abuse, modes of drug use and consequences, sources of drug supply and trafficking, identification of abusers, their treatment and rehabilitation, and the prevention of drug abuse. They will also explore the obstacles to physical development in youth.

This scheme of work is structured to provide students with a holistic understanding of the social, economic, and cultural dynamics that shape their world. By engaging with these topics, students will develop critical thinking skills, empathy, and an awareness of the complexities of the society they live in.

First Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6

2External influence on Nigerian life, language, family system, behavior of family members
3The influence of working parents on the Nigerian family
4Inter-marriage (meaning of inter-marriage)
5Marital failure
6Some foreign cultures that are affecting our values and cultures (dress, food, religious practices)
7Mid-term Break
8Religious intolerance in Nigeria / Labour and trade union
9Wages and income distribution
10Employment, unemployment
11Nigerian and foreign made goods
12/13Revision / Examination

Second Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6

2Resources Utilization
3Labour Force (meaning)
4Transport and Communication (water and air transportation meaning and examples)
5Problems and Solution of Air and Water Transportation in Nigeria
6Gender Discrimination
7Mid-term Break
8Group Conflicts and Cooperation
9International Organization (meaning & examples)
10Peace Education (meaning of peace, characteristic of tolerance)
11Concepts of Drug and Drug Abuse (meaning). Synthetic and Naturally Occurring Drugs

Third Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6

2Effects of Substance Abuse
3Modes of Drug Use and Consequences (Effect of Normal Use of Drugs)
4Sources of Drug Supply and Trafficking (Registered and Unregistered)
5Identification of Abusers – Their Treatment and Rehabilitation
6Prevention of Drug Abuse
7Mid-term Break
8Obstacles to Physical Development in Youth


The Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6 offers a well-rounded curriculum that addresses essential topics relevant to the students’ lives. It aims to equip them with the knowledge and skills to navigate and contribute meaningfully to their communities. Through this scheme of work, students will gain a deeper understanding of social issues and develop the capacity to become responsible and informed members of society.

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