Scheme of work

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

One of the vital subjects taught in primary schools in the Nigeria education sector is the Christian Religious Studies (CRS). It is a subject that impacts knowledge-based on the Christian faith, the affiliation, and the education of the children fundamental principles and values.

The Christian Religious Studies scheme of work for primary 5 is structured in separate terms. Each term consists of essential details, guide, and objective fashioned in a way leaning to improving the knowledge of what the Christian faith is.

The first term of the CRS scheme of work for Primary 5 is about God’s provision and work. In the term, the pupils will know that God is the one who gives them what they need and what they ask for. They will also learn how God gives them such provisions.

The provisions God gives them include air, sun, food and shelter, security, good health. They will be taught work in this term, and what work is, types of work such as carpentry, sewing engineering, farming, teaching, and why they should work so as to care for their needs and to get some money to make them and their families live well.

Furthermore, the pupils are acquainted with the concept of salvation. They acquire knowledge that people suffer danger and that God is capable of saving them in different ways.

The children learn that salvation has been availed even in the Bible; some of the references on God salvaging His people are the story of Moses crossing them Red Sea and that of Daniel. At the end of the first term the pupils shall undertake a revision and examination.

The second term of the CRS scheme of work of Primary 5 deals with God’s mercy, the Pentecost, and the Holy Spirit. The pupils are learned about God’s mercy on them and the importance of being merciful to others. This is through the story of the parable of the unmerciful servant; pupils were learned about the need to show each other mercy.

The pupils were also taught the lesson of the Pentecost and what it means spiritually. This included the descent of the Holy Spirit, the rushing wind, the tongues of fire as well as speaking in tongues.

Also, the pupils are taught the reward of working in the Holy Spirit. The concept of reward, God’s guidance, oneness, and courage in working in the Holy Spirit. The second term is completed with a review before examination.

The third term of the CRS scheme of work for Primary 5 focuses on the influence of the Holy Spirit on their daily lives. The pupils learn the Holy Spirit on their discipline, honesty, obedience, and loyalty, and talent. The pupils are taught the reward of working in the Holy Spirit, and the oneness of working in the Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, the students are educated on the need for courage when working in and with the Holy Spirit. They discover that it is the little thing that the Holy Spirit does that keeps them on the path and shows them how to behave their emotions and abilities. The third term is closed by a revision on the third two and an exam on th e whole teem

First Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1stGod supplies our needsWays God provides for our needs
2ndGod supplies our needsGod grants our request matt7 7-11
3rdGod supplies our needsThings God provide Air, Sun, food shelter, security Good health
4thGod wants us to workDefinition of work II Theses 36-13 Gen 2:15
5thGod wants us to workTypes of work Carpentry Sewing Engineering Farming Teaching Matt 4 18-22 ProvB/ 13-19
6thGod wants us to workWhy we should work to take care of our needs. Earn a living Gen/ 28-30:2:17 II Thess 3 3-13
7thGod saves us from danger.God delivers people from danger
8thGod saves us from dangerExamples of God’s deliverance in the Bible. The crossing of the red sea. Exd. 14:10-22. The story of Daniel . Dan.6
9thGod saves us from dangerThe story of shedrak, Meshach and Abedinego Dan 3
10thGod saves us from dangerGod can use  our parents, police, road safety, marshal, fire fighter, the military etc to deliver us from danger

Second Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1stGod shows mercy to usExplain of mercy God’s mercy on us
2ndGod shows mercy to usThe parable of the unmerciful servant Matt 9 9-13, 18 23-35
3rdGod shows mercy to usExplain: the need to be merciful to others Matt 5:7 18:21-34
4thGod shows mercy to usexplain ways in which we can show mercy to others
5thGod shows mercy to usThose people that needs to be shown mercy Patience in the hospitalVisiting the sickNot retaliating e.t.c
6thGod shows mercy to usThe story of the prodigal son LK 158-20 11-22
7thThe PentecostExplanation of the term Pentecost
8thThe PentecostThe descent of the holy spirit: Rushing windTongues of fireSpeaking in tongue
9thThe PentecostSpiritual significance of the day of Pentecost. The birth of the church Acts 21-13
10thThe PentecostSpiritual significance of the day of Pentecost. Fulfilled promise of a comforter Joel 2:28 John 14:26

Third Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1stThe Holy Spirit keeps us faithfulExplanation of who the Holy spirit is
2ndThe Holy Spirit keeps us faithfulInfluence of the Holy spirit in our daily lives e.g discipline, honesty obedience, loyalty
3rdThe Holy Spirit keeps us faithfulHoly spirit keeps us faithful. Acts 7
4thThe Holy Spirit keeps us faithfulHoly spirit: Guide us to use our talents properly Matt 25 14-30
5thThe holy spirit keeps us faithfulThe parable of the talents. Matt 2513-30
6thThe reward of working in the Holy spiritExplain the concept of reward
7thThe reward of working in the Holy spiritReward of  working in the Holy Spirit
8thThe reward of working in the Holy spiritExplain God guidance in working in holy spirit Acts 51-11
9thThe reward of working in the Holy spiritExplain oneness in working in the Holy spirit Acts 241-47
10thThe reward of working in the Holy spiritExplain courage in working in the Holy spirit Acts 48-13
11th Revision
12 &13Examination


The CRS scheme of work for Primary 5 has been planned to enable pupils to know more about the Christian faith, its values, and principles. There are three terms and each one has particular lessons and objectives to be covered.

The course focuses on God’s provision and work during the first term, God’s mercy, Pentecost, and the Holy Spirit in the second term, and the Holy Spirit’s impact in their life during the third term. I think that this scheme of work is an effective method for developing pupils’ spiritual life.

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