Scheme of work

Agricultural Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Agricultural Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Agricultural Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5 is a useful guide that ensures learners get to learn more about agricultural science. The scheme of work is divided into three terms and has a set of topics and objectives to be learned.

The topics in the first term for the Agricultural Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5 are: General Compound Clearing and Revision of last term, Classification of Crops based on uses, stating that: at the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to identify crops based on their uses and arrange them under the heading, Classification of Crops based on their life span.

At the end of lesson, pupils should list categories of crops under each lifespan and arrange them under the group to which each crop belongs, Classification of crops based on nutrients, and Procedure for raising farm crops.

Pre-planting operations stating that: using teaching methods such as discussion and explanation, pupils should be able to list crop with their nutrients and explain the processes involved in pre-planting operations.

The second term of the Agricultural Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5 dwells on rearing of farm animals. It requires the learner to be able to state the needs of a growing farm animal, steps in rearing livestock, and rearing of the following named animals: rabbits, guinea pigs, and chickens.

The scheme of work further elaborates pest and parasites of farm animals, the common diseases of farm animals and the effect of consuming an infected animal.

The third term for the Primary 5 Agricultural Science Scheme of Work covers; diseases, symptoms, and remedy of common diseases of farm animals, effect of consuming infected animals, and also the revision and examination.

It is intended to enable the learners to; know the symptoms of ill-health in farm animals, mention some common diseases and their remedies, and state the effect of consuming infected animals.

First Term Agricultural Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1General Compound Clearing and Revision of last term’s work 
2Classification of Crops bases on usesClassification of crops based on their uses CerealOil spacesVegetablesLegumesTuber set, etc
3.Classification of Crops bases on their life spanCereal
4 & 5Classification of crops based on their nutrientsCoil Spaces
6&7Procedure for raising farm crops. Pre-planting operationsVegetables
  and stumping
8 & 9Procedure for raising farm crops: Post Planting activities(2) Preparing nursery beds
10 & 11Procedure for raising farm crop:- Planting and post planting activitiesProcedure for raising farm crops – post planting activities:

Second Term Agricultural Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1Compound Clearing and Revision of last term’s work 
2Control of crop needs pests and diseases:- Meaning and example of pestsMeaning and example of pests are birds, animal and insects that causes harm to crop plants. They eat, destroy and reduce the quality and quantity of crops and also reduce the yield.
3Control of crops weeds, pest and diseases:- Meaning of weeds and identification of local weedsExample are:- Caterpillar, Birds and rodents
4Control of crops weeds, pest and diseases:- Weeds control.Meaning of weeds and identification of local weeds:-
5Control of crop weeds, pest and diseases;:- Effect of weeds on plantsEffect of weeds on plants:- (1) It serve as host to pests and disease. (2) Low yield (3) Burden to our plants (4) Turn leaf of plants to brown, etc.
6Meaning of Diseases and common diseases of farm animalMeaning of diseases and common diseases of farm animals (1) Disease is an unhealthy condition in human, animals and plant.  Common disease of farm animals are: (1)  Ringworm (2)  Scabies (3)  Sleeping sickness (4)  Pneumonias (5)  tuberculosis (6)  New castle (7)  Foot and mouth (8)  bird flu etc.
7Damages caused by pestsDamaged caused by pests: (1)Eat crop leaves and roots (2)Destroying grains (3)Damaging stalk , fruits and roots of crops (4) Contaminating stored produce

8Method of controlling damages caused by pestsMethod of controlling damages caused by pests: (1) Storing farm production properly (2) Clearing surrounding bushes (3) Shooting  trapping scare-crow (4) Batting (5) Proper storage
9, 10 & 11a.   Causal agent of crop diseases and control measures b.   Effects of eating contaminated foodCausal  agents of crops diseases: Fungi,  bacteria, viruses and nematode: (1) Control Measure (a)Keeping farm free of use (b)Plant  healthy seeds, seedlings and cuttings (2)Effect of eating contaminated food (a) poisoning (b) sickness (c) purging (d) vomiting (e) Stomach disorder (f) Death

Third Term Agricultural Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1Compound Cleaning and Revision of last term’s work 
2.& 3Rearing of Farm Animals (1)Needs of growing farm animals: (2)Procedure for rearing farm animals(1)  Needs of growing farm animals – Balanced Ration -Clean water, clean environment adequate medication (2)   Procedure for rearing farm animals: – Construct a house or provide shelter, provide necessary rearing equipment buy the young animal to rear, provide food and water daily. – Provide medication when necessary, clean the house regularly. – Routine check by veterinary personnel, removal of sick or dead animal. – Sell or slaughter when matured
4 & 5Rearing of named animals                  Rearing of named animals –   Rabbits rearing –   Rearing of guinea pig –   Rearing of chickens
6,7 & 8Pest and parasites of farm animals, common diseases of farm animalMeaning of pests and parasites of farm animal -Common pests and parasite of animals are –  Lice, house fly, worms, ticks tsetse fly etc. –  Common disease of farm animal. –  ring warm, scabies, sleeping sickness, pneumonia, tuberculosis, new cattle diseases, foot and mouth diseases etc.
9, 10 & 11Diseases, symptoms and remedy of common diseases of farm animals and effect of consuming infected animalsDiseases, symptoms and remedy of common disease of farm animals: – Effect of consuming the infected animals – Transfer of animal disease to man.


The topics are wide-ranging and cover compound clearing to the rearing of farm animals, while the scheme of work is learner-centered and aims to ensure that the learners meet the set objectives for each term. As a result, the learners will gain a better understanding and appreciation of agricultural science and its importance in their various lives.

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