Scheme of work

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

The topics of the first term of the Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5 includes loyalty/leadership. From these meanings, the learners would understand revision and cleaning in week one. The types, meanings, and consequences of disloyalty in week two, types of leadership in week three, and the next week, the codification, and the relationship ex- existing between loyal to the nation.

The last two weeks will then discuss the consequence of disloyalty and loyal services to the nation in week four and five, Leadership in the family and community and local government and state leadership in week six and seven.

The eighth-week is centered on the leadership at the federal and institutional levels. Week nine is to brief meaning and types of leadership and the tenth week is to attending the importance of pressure groups. Week eleven of the term is obliged to the role of the Arms of Government. In the twelfth week, the work done a revision is performed. A term surviving assay is then designed.

The second term of the Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5 introduces the students to the concept of good and bad leadership, the arms of government, and pressure groups.

Revision and cleaning occupies the first week of this term. The second week of the term marks the introduction of the problems of bad leadership to the pupils.

The students learn how to check the excesses of political leaders through the third and fourth weeks of the term. While learning about the legislative arm of government is in the fourth week of the term, the fifth week introduces the executive and the judiciary arms of government.

While the sixth week of the term is a revision work for the last term, the seventh week of the term is explicitly lessons on the need for the division of government into the three.

The eighth week of the term is for the meaning of pressure group and the ninth week is for the types pressure group. The tend week of the term is the importance pressure groups have while the eleventh week is for dedicated to their function of the three arm of government. The last week of the term is a revision for the last term work and

The third term of Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5 include on hard work and social injustice. The first week is revision and cleaning. The second wek is on how to encourage hard work and discourage laziness The third week is how to identify the reasons as to why people are lazy?

The fourth week is what is the meaning of social Injustice? The fifth week show the examples of social injustices issues i.e. delay of payment and social amenities.

In the sixth week, they cover the types of social injustice. In the seventh week, on the other hand, they cover how the workers have protested against inadequate payment. In the eighth week, students learn about the ways the workers protest. The ninth week involves the ways to prevent protest.

The tenth week follows the same schema, “the various ways by which workers protest”. The eleventh week ‘the ways to prevent protest’ Revised The week covered above concludes the term. Finally, the twelfth week of the term is for revision purposes. The examination ends the term.

First Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1.Revision and CleaningRevision and Cleaning
2.Meaning of loyaltyMeaning of loyalty
3.Meaning of loyaltyTypes of leadership: 1. Democratic; 2. Autocratic; 3. Leize Fare leadership style
4.Meaning of loyaltyConsequence of disloyalty
5.Meaning of loyaltyLoyal services to the Nation
6.Meaning of loyaltyLoyal services to the Nation
7.Meaning and types of leadershipMeaning of Leadership
8.Meaning and types of leadershipMeaning and Types of Leadership
9.Meaning and types of leadershipLeadership in the Family, Community
10.Meaning and types of leadershipLeadership in the 1. Local Government; 2. State Level
11.Meaning and types of LeadershipLeadership in the 1. Federal level; 2.Institutional level

Second Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1.Cleaning and RevisionRevision
2.Good and bad leadershipProblems of bad leadership
3.Good and bad leadershipStrategies to check excesses of political leaders
4.Arms of GovernmentLegislative
5.Arms of Government1. Executive 2. The Judiciary
6.Arms of GovernmentRevision of Last Term Work
7.Arms of GovernmentNeed for division of government into three arms
8.Pressure GroupsMeaning of pressure groups
9.Pressure GroupsTypes of pressure groups
10.Pressure GroupsImportance of pressure group
11.Pressure groupsFunction of the Arms of Government
12Revision of Last term WorkRevision

Third Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1.Cleaning and RevisionRevision
2.Hard Work1. How to encourage hard work 2. Discourage hard work
3.Hard WorkHow to encourage and discourage laziness
4.Hard WorkReasons why people are Lazy
5.Social InjusticeMeaning of Social Injustice
6.Social InjusticeExamples of Issues of Social Injustice e.g. delay of payment, Social Amenities
7.Social InjusticeTypes of Social Injustice
8.Social InjusticeHow workers protest against inadequate payment
9.Social InjusticeThe various ways by which workers protest
10.Social InjusticeThe various ways by which workers protest
11.Social InjusticeWays of prevent protest


Civic education is a critical program for primary 5 students because it makes the students prepare for future responsibilities as citizens. The students will learn the topics of loyalty and leadership, good and bad governance, pressure groups, hard work, and social injustice.

The scheme of work will bring all these topics together in three terms, where one topic would be the focus of the particular term.

The two topics that should be learned in the first term include loyalty and leadership. In the second term, the work would include good and bad governance, the arms of government, and pressure groups in the country, while in the third term, hard work, and society is the focus areas.

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