Scheme of work

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5 is expected to set the foundation on various concepts that pupils will build upon in other grades and scientific disciplines. The scheme of work is divided into three terms, which cover different aspects about the concept: this article provides an elaborate plan about what should be taught to pupils in Primary 5 in Basic Science.

The first term of the Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5 covers environmental changes and waste disposal and environmental quality. Erosion, meaning of erosion and types of erosion are to be discussed on the first and second week of the term. first and second week are on; erosion, its meaning, causes, effects and control, and pollution, pollutants, sources to be discussed on the third and fourth week.

The fifth week of the term analyzes reusing waste, definition, different ways to recycle waste, and advantages of recycling waste. The sixth week includes the definition, description of environmental quality. The seventh week is the definition of the advantages of a healthy environment and the disadvantages of degrading the environment. The last week of the term is the eighth week; it describes ways to maintain a healthy environment and materials to maintain a healthy environment.

The second term of the Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5 covers the human body and reproduction in plants. The first and second week of the term covers the definition of the skeleton, description of the skeleton, different types of bones, the third and fourth week cover the description of joints, different types of joints, functions of bones and joints, reproduction in plants covers the definition of reproduction in humans and parts.

The fifth week of the term covers pollination, types of pollination and process of pollination and agents of pollination. The sixth week describes fertilization, it definition and it explains. The seventh week is the differences between pollination and fertilization. The eighth week describes the stages of development from a flower to fruit.

The third term of the Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5 covers rocks, acids and bases, and soap making. The definition, types of rocks and uses of rocks are the things treated in the first two weeks and third week treats the major landmark rocks in Nigeria. The description of acids and examples and physical properties treated the fourth and fifth weeks.

During the sixth and seventh week of the term, the different types of acids, their use, and the description of bases will be covered. During the eight and nineth weeks of the term, the different types of bases, their use, and the differences between acids and bases will be described. Finally, during the tenth week of the term, soap making and its use will be discussed.

The Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5 is an elaborate program that aims to students to scientific concepts and principles. The scheme of work is distributed in three terms, each term offering various topics.

The topics in the first term include but are not limited to changes in the environment, environmental quality and waste disposal.

The second term topics covered by the SOW include the body of humans and reproduction in plants. The third term includes the study of rocks, acids and bases, as well as soap making. These topics will lay a good foundation for science studies in future.

First Term Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1(1)Environmental changes      (a)Erosion      (b)describing types  of erosion(1)erosion     -definition of erosion     -describing erosion
2(1)environmental changes     ©causes of erosion     (d)effect of erosion    (e)control of erosion-Causes of erosion -Effects of erosion -Control of erosion
3                       4.(1)Environmental changes      (f)pollution      (g)pollutants      (h)air pollution        -air pollutants        -sources        -effects        -control   (i)water pollution   -pollutants   -sources   -effects   -control2.Definition of pollution and pollutants 3.Air and water pollution  -pollutant   -sources -effects -control
5(ii) Waste and Waste disposal Meaning of Waste Types of waste.(1)Describing waste (2) Types of Waste:    -Refuse  –  Sewage Etc.
6.(ii) Waste and waste Disposal © Waste Disposal (d)Method of disposing solid and liquid waste.(3) Waste disposal (4) Methods of waste disposal. – liquid – solid  
7.(ii) Waste and waste disposal (e) re-using waste (recycling) – Ways of recycling waste – Advantages of recycling waste  (5) Re-using waste (recycling) -Ways of recycling waste -advantages of recycling waste.
8(iii) Environmental quality Definition on environmental quality. Description of environmental quality1. Environmental quality. – Definition -Description.
9(iii) Environmental quality (c) Advantages of a healthy environment (d) Disadvantages of degrading the environment(2) Advantages of a healthy environment (3) disadvantages of degrading the environment
10(iii) Environmental quality (2) Ways of maintaining healthy and beautiful school environment (f) Materials for maintaining healthy environment 4. Ways of maintaining a healthy environment 5. The materials for maintaining a healthy environment

Second Term Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1.                 2i. The human body (the skeleton) a. Description of the skeleton b. Types of bones: – long bones (femur, humers) – vertebrae (cervical, thoracic ) – Phalanges (toes)1. Describing the skeleton 2. Types of bones: – long bones (femur, humerus) – vertebrae (cervical, thoracic ) – Phalanges (toes)
3             4(c) Description of joints (d) Types of Joint: – ball and socket, (shoulder) – hinge joint (elbow, knee)3. Describing the joints 4. Types of joints: – ball and socket, (shoulder) – hinge joint (elbow, knee)
5(e) Functions of bones and joint5. Functions of bones and joints
6ii. Reproduction in plants a. Definition of reproduction b. (i) What is flower (ii) Parts of  a flower 1. Defining reproduction 2. Parts of a flower
7         8       9       10c.(i) Definition of pollination (ii) Types of pollination (iii) Process of pollination (iv) Agents of pollination d. (i) Definition of fertilization (ii) Description of fertilization e. Differences between pollination and fertilization f. stages of development from flower to fruits3. Pollination – types – process – agents   4. Fertilization           5. Stages of development from flower to fruit

Third Term Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1 & 2i. Rocks a. Definition of rocks   b. Types of rocks – Igneous – Metamorphous – Sedimentary1. Definition rocks 2. Types of rocks: – Igneous -Metamorphous – Sedimentary
3c. Uses of rocks (construction , beautification)3. Uses of rocks
4d. Major landmark rocks on Nigeria e.g – Zuma rock in Madalla – Shere rock in Jos – Olumo rock in Abeokuta – Kufena rock in Zaria  4. Major landmark rocks in Nigeria e.g – Zuma rock in madalla – Shere rock in Jos – Olumo rock in Abeokuta Kufena rock in Zaria
5ii. ACIDS AND BASES a. Description of Acids b. Examples of Acids c. Some physical properties of Acis1. Acids: – Meaning – Examples 2. Some physical properties of acids
6d. Types of acids e. Uses of acids3. Types of acids 4. Uses of acids
7f. Description of bases g. Examples of bases h. Some physical properties of bases 5. Bases: – meaning – examples 6. Some physical properties of bases
8  – 10  i. Types of Bases j. Uses of Bases k. Differences between acids and bases 7. Types of bases 8. Uses of bases 9. Differences between acids and bases             10. Soap making                     11. Uses of soap  


The Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 5 is an imperative subject that ensures students receive an extensive comprehension of scientific ideas and principles.

The scheme of work seeks to make students familiar with the idea of environmental changes, waste disposal, environmental quality, human body, reproduction in plants, rocks, acids and bases, as well as soap making.

It is divided into three terms, each of which examines various topics. Essentially, one of the objectives of the program is to equip students with a foundational understanding of science for future pursuits.

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