Scheme of work

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Social Studies is a subject centered on creating students’ knowledge and skills and instilling values to help them comprehend their surroundings, honor diversity, and support sound and responsible decision-making. Across the globe, Social Studies is taught in schools from Primary Schools to Tertiary Institutions.

Similarly, in Nigeria, the Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5 is structured to make students understand unity and diversity among them, personal hygiene, being responsible parents, pollution, and the impact that man and the environment have on one another.

During the first week, learners will re-arrange and clear the compound within the school environment. During the second week, learners will investigate the extent of man’s interaction with and influence on the physical and social environments.

They will also learn how the environment influences man. In the third and fourth weeks, learn some of the things that can influence man when he is in the physical environment.

The subsequent weeks pupils will learn how various people are found in the family. One of them discovers what duties one is supposed to perform, while the other week, students will learn the importance of accepting other people in the family. The term will end with revision and examination.

The second term of the Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5 is also intended to educate pupils about the concept of unity in cultural diversity, responsible parenthood, and the challenges that come with being a parent, comprising STDs and HIV/AIDS. During the first week, students will be expected to review and clean the school surroundings.

In subsequent weeks, student will be educated about numerous typical custom and tradition strengths and grab opportunity in analc and those that should be modified or preserved.

They will analyze the reasons for the change of some inheritance and tradition. During the eighth week, they will learn the meaning of parents and how to identify responsible parents. The next weeks will cover the problems of parenthood, problems with STDs and HIV protection, with revision and examination at the end of the term..

From the third term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5, the learners are to be taught about personal hygiene, physical development, and pollution. In the first week, the students will go through the process of revising and clearing the school premises.

The subsequent weeks will be spent teaching the students personal hygiene and physical development, including factors that may prevent children from growing and things to do to keep fit. They will further be taught the effects of inadequate or poor care on their health and general life.

In the ninth week, the students will learn about pollution. The teachers will describe the meaning and different types of pollution, which may include water, land, and air pollution.

First Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1Revision and clearing of the school premisesRevision and clearing of the school premises      
2Influence of man and the environment(i)  How man is affected by his Physical environment e.g. Land, Water etc. (ii)  How man is affected by his social environment e.g. food, religious, dressing etc. (iii)  How environment influence man
3Influence of man and the environmentHow environment influence man e.g. environment will dictate the type of work, food etc.
4Influence of man and the environmentThings that can influence man in his physical and social environment.
5.Other people in the family.Meaning and types of family.
6Other people in the family.Other people that can be found in the family and how they relate with other members of the family e.g. cousins, house-help, nieces etc.
7Other people in the family.Obligation of other members of the family : Caring for others etc.  
8Other people in the family.Importance of accepting other people in the family.
9Other people in the family.Disadvantages of having other people live with our family e.g. they may teach our children bad behaviour etc.
10Unity in Cultural DiversityMeaning of culture, diversity and unity.
11Unity in Cultural DiversityMeaning of unity in cultural diversity.  
12 & 13Revision and ExaminationRevision and Examination

Second Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1Revision and clearing of the school premisesRevision and clearing of the school premises      
2Unity in cultural and DiversityVarious common customs and tradition in our community e.g. Dressing styles, Hair styles etc.
3Unity in cultural and DiversityCustoms and traditions that need to be changed e.g. killing of twins, human rituals etc.
4Unity in cultural and DiversityCustoms and traditions that need to be retained e.g. greetings, respect for elders etc.
5.Unity in cultural and DiversityReasons for changes of some custom and traditions.
6Unity in cultural and DiversityProcesses of changing culture
7 Different Nigerian languages e/g/ Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Efik etc.  
8Responsible ParenthoodMeaning of parenthood:  Parenthood is the state of being a parent, parents are father and mothers.
9Responsible ParenthoodCharacteristics of responsible parent e.g. Ensuring readiness for new baby, caring for the child.  Educate and provide shelter and clothing for their children.
10Problems of Parenthood STDs and HIV/AIDSThe meaning of STDS and HIV. STDS means Sexually Transmitted Diseases. HIV means Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
11 Types of STDS e.g. (i)   Gonorrhea (ii)  Syphilis (iii)  Herpes.  
12 & 13Revision and ExaminationRevision and Examination

Third Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

1Revision and clearing of the school premisesRevision and clearing of the school premises      
2Problems of Parenthood STDS and HIV/AIDS.Sources of HIV infection: –   Exchange of body piercing objects such as pin, needle, toothbrush etc. –  Transfusion of infected blood. -Sexual Intercourse
3Problems of Parenthood STDS and HIV/AIDS.Effects of STDs and HIVs on the family: –   Infected individuals may find it difficult to get marriage partner. –  Broken home or relationship etc.  
4Personal Hygiene and Physical Development.–   Meaning of Personal  Hygiene and Physical Development of children at Pre Adolescence  stage. –  Personal way of taking care of our bodies.
5.Personal Hygiene and Physical Development.Factors that can hinder healthy growth in children e.g. (a)   Infections (b)  Poor feeding ©  Over working etc.
6Personal Hygiene and Physical Development.Things to do to be physically fit. –   Eat nourishing food and balanced diets. –  Have enough rest and sleep. –  Regular exercise.
7Personal Hygiene and Physical Development.Effects of improper care e.g. (i)   poor academic performance. (ii)  Poor growth. (iii)  Feeling weak and tired always.  
8Personal Hygiene and Physical Development.Characteristics of house hold population and the effects on personal hygiene .  The number of people living in a house determine the ease of observing personal hygiene etc.
9PollutionMeaning and types of Pollution. –   Pollution is an act of making a natural environment in pure. Types: (a)  Water (b)  Land (c)   Air
10PollutionCauses of Air Pollution –  Burning of wood. –  Bush burning
11Pollution(i)   How Air Pollution can be reduced. (ii)  Effects of Air Pollution  
12 & 13Revision and ExaminationRevision and Examination


The Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5 is designed to provide students with an understanding of their environment, respect for diversity, and the skills to make informed decisions. The first term is focused on the influence of man and the environment and other people in the family.

The second term is focused on unity in cultural diversity, responsible parenthood, and the problems of parenthood. The third term is focused on personal hygiene, physical development, and pollution.

Overall, the scheme of work is designed to provide students with a holistic education that will enable them to become responsible and productive citizens of Nigeria.

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