Scheme of work

Physical Health Education Scheme of Work For Primary 3

Physical Health Education Scheme of Work For Primary 3

Physical health education is a critical part of a child’s growth; as a result, they must start using their bodies in ways that result in good habits. The Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3 introduces children to Physical health education. It is suitable for pupils between 7-8 years old. This work reviews the aims and objectives of the Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3.

First-term objectives are to imitate some movements and sounds produced by people, animals, and machines, show variations in movements, say the name of the physical fitness components, state the types of races, say the sprint race’s skills, and do a sprint race.

In the second term, the pupils are expected to be able to: Mention the basic skills in football, tennis, and basketball Perform the basic skills in football, tennis, and basketball Mention safety rules in ball games Mention basic styles in swimming Demonstrate a basic skill in swimming safely Mention safety rules in swimming Observe the rules.

In the third term they are expected to know the meaning of noise pollution The student will be expected to:- Properly direct to the meaning of noise pollution how to Prevent noise pollution Meaning of chemical pollution Describe ways of preventing chemical pollution First aider. List four qualities of a first aider:

Similarly, the learning outcomes of the Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3 are categorized across three terms. For instance, for the first term, the terminal outcomes comprise the ability to demonstrate the creative movement and sounds correctly, perform the fundamental movements with rhythms accurately, demonstrate at least four physical fitness components for endurance and those for strength, and flexibility and power.

In the second term, the learning outcomes are to List at least three skills of football, tennis, and basketball, Perform the skills correctly, List at least safety rules of each ball game, State the meaning of basic styles in swimming, Demonstrate correctly the 3 basic styles in swimming.

The third Term Expected Learning Outcome are; State the meaning of noise pollution, State 2 ways of preventing noise pollution, State the meaning of chemical pollution, State 2 ways of preventing chemical pollution, Describe a first aider, Mention at least 3 duties of a first aider and List at least four qualities of the first aider.

The Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 3 offers a great opportunity to introduce 7-8 year-old students to physical health education. As children need to acquire the necessary habits in their early years to ensure a healthy life, this outline seems to be a perfect guide to the area. An improved understanding of the subject and the skills needed to secure a perfect condition for one’s body are among the major benefits to be achieved in children.

Objectives of Physical Health Education Scheme of Work For Primary 3

First Term Objectives

Week 1&2: Imitate movements and sounds made by people, animals and machines

Week 3&4: Demonstrate different movement patterns

Week 5&6: Name the components of physical fitness

Week 8&9: Mention the different types of races, mention the skills involved in the sprint races and perform sprint techniques

Week 10: Mention the stages involved in high jump

Second Term Objectives

Week 2-4: Mention the basic skills in Football, Tennis, and Basketball and Perform the basic skills in Football, Tennis, Basketball

Week 5&6: Mention safety rules in ball games, Football, Tennis, Basketball

Week 8&9: Mention basic styles in swimming, Demonstrate basic skills in swimming

Week 10: Mention the safety rules in swimming and Observe the rules

Third Term Objectives

Week 2&3: State the meaning of noise pollution and Explain how to prevent noise pollution

Week 4-6: State the meaning of chemical pollution and Describe ways of preventing chemical pollution

Week 8&9: Describe a first aider and Describe the duties of a first aider

Week 10: List four qualities of a first aider

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Learning Outcomes of Physical Health Education Scheme of Work For Primary 3

First-Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1&2: Demonstrate the creative movement and sounds correctly

Week 3&4: Perform the fundamental movements with rhythms correctly

Week 5&6: Demonstrate at least four physical fitness components to achieve -endurance -strength -flexibility -power

Week 8&9: Mention at least three skills involved in sprint races and Perform the skills

Week 10: Mention three stages in high jump and perform the skills in high jump

Second Term Learning Outcomes

Week 2-4: List at least three skills of football, tennis and basket ball and Perform the skills correctly

Week 5&6: List at least three safety rules of each ball games

Week 8&9: State the basic styles in swimming and Demonstrate correctly the 3 basic styles in swimming

Week 10: Mention any five safety rules in swimming and Observe the rules of swimming while swimming.

Third Term Learning Outcomes

Week 2&3: State the meaning of noise pollution and State 2 ways of preventing noise pollution

Week 4-6: State the meaning of chemical pollution and State 2 ways of preventing chemical pollution

Week 8&9: Describe a first aider and Mention at least 3 duties of a first aider.

Week 10: List at least four qualities of the first aider

First Term Physical Health Education Scheme of Work For Primary 3

1-2Moving our Body PartsMovements and sounds made by: Animals, People, Machines etc.
3-4Fundamental Movement Patterns: -Bending, Crawling, galloping, Climbing etc.
5-6Components of physical fitness -Endurance -Strength -Flexibility -Power
8-9Athletics(1) Sprints; 50 metres, 75 metres, 100 metres, 200 metres, 400 metres
(2) Skills and techniques: -take off, running, arm action, finish
10Stages of high jump, runoff, take off, clearing the crossbar, landing and recovery
12 & 13Examination 

Second Term Physical Health Education Scheme of Work For Primary 3

2-4Ball GamesBasic skills in ball games
(a) Football, Passing, Trapping, Heading, Kicking and, Throwing
(b) Tennis, Grip, Forehand drive -Backhand drive -Serving
(c) Basketball, Passing, Dribbling
5-6Safety rules in ball games
8-9Swimming(1) Basic styles in swimming; Crawl/freestyle, Breaststroke, Backstroke
(2) Demonstration of basic styles
10Safety rules in swimming: Shower, Warm up, Don’t swim immediately after meal etc
12 & 13Examination 

Third Term Physical Health Education Scheme of Work For Primary 3

2-3Health and
Noise pollution -Meaning of noise pollution
Prevention of noise pollution
4-6Chemical pollution -Meaning of chemical pollution
Prevention of chemical pollution
8-9First Aid and Safety EducationMeaning of a First Aider
Duties of a first aider
10First Aid and Safety
Qualities of first aiders: -have knowledge about first aid -have initiative and ability to assess situation before giving first aid etc.
12 & 13Examination 


Physical health education is a Scheme of Work designed for Primary 3 pupils that serves as a roadmap to enhancing the physical skills and health of young learners. The scheme of work has clearly stated objectives that are well-organised and cover physical fitness, ball games, swimming, and safety education.

At the end of the term, the children are expected to creatively move and make the sound using the right procedure, perform fundamental movements with rhythms using the right procedure, display at least four physical fitness components, students to talk of at least three skills involved in sprint races then display or perform the skills after mention three stages in high jump, and perform the skill of high jump.

The Physical Health Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3 is a well-organized guide developed to impart physical abilities and health to young children. The objectives of the scheme are designed to help them acquire fundamental movements, acquire basic skills in ball games, including swimming and safety education.

Ultimately, all pupils should acquire a sound understanding of the role of physical fitness, ball games, swimming, and safety education. The scope of work is an important learning resource for teachers in developing the physical abilities and health of young children.

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