Scheme of work

Cultural And Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Cultural And Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 3 is an essential curriculum for pupils who are 7-8 years old. The pupils get a chance to be creative, learn about different cultures, and appreciate them through art. The scheme is also designed to enable the pupils to study different forms of art and perfect their creative strengths. This article will discuss the objectives and learning outcomes of the Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 3.

The first term addresses teaching pupils how to describe the environment, list the things in their environment, remind pupils to care for the environment and how to draw things observed in the environment.

Weeks 4-6 introduce the pupils to flowering plants and how to draw and colour flowers, weeks 8-9 also expect the pupils to create a drama sketch from the storyline in the story or folk tale. Week 10 introduces the pupils to traditional fabrics from different parts of Nigeria, traditional Nigerian dresses and how to draw traditional fabrics and dresses.

The second term scheme is planned to help pupils recognize the different types of lines, use lines in simple designs, and identify the staging requirements of a play/drama and emphasize the importance of traditional dresses to the nation.

In the third term scheme, pupils will be able to identify methods of modelling, mould objects with clay/plasticine, state the different stages of a play production process, and state the meaning of fashion accessories. The teacher also introduces pupils to traditional fashion accessories, their types, and their importance.

The learning outcomes of the Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 3 is to enable pupils to develop creative abilities and also to acquire other cultures. Pupils should be able to explain the meaning of duty and write three good examples; mention two duties of children in the school; distinguish between good, bad and ugly pictures.

The pupil should be able to identify two types of lines, use lines to produce two simple designs and apply colours to the designs, use any of the two methods to mould an object for display, identify three stages of play production, explain the meaning of fashion accessories, three traditional fashion accessories and state two importance of traditional fashion accessories.

The Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 3 is a crucial curriculum for encouraging pupils’ creative abilities and inculcating a sense of other cultures. The scheme is structured to enable pupils to know different fields of art and develop their ability to make creative art. The scheme’s objectives and learning outcomes are crucial in ensuring that pupils have what it takes to succeed in life.

Objectives of Cultural And Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 3

First Term Objectives

Week 1-3: Describe their environment, List the things in their environment, Care for their environment and Draw things observed within the environment

Week 4-6: Identify flowering plants and Draw and Colour flowers.

Week 8-9: Create a drama sketch from the story line of a given story or folk tale

Week 10: Identify traditional fabrics from different parts of Nigeria, Identify traditional Nigerian dresses and Draw traditional fabrics and dresses

Second Term Objectives

Week 1-3: Identify different types of lines and Use lines in simple designs.

Week 4-6: Identify staging requirements of a play/drama

Week 8-10: Mention the importance of traditional dresses to the nation.

Third Term Objectives

Week 1-3: Identify methods of modelling e.g. pinching and coiling. and Mould objects with clay/plasticine

Week 4-6: State the different stages of a play production process

Week 8-10: State the meaning of fashion accessories, Identify types of traditional fashion accessories and Mention the importance of traditional fashion accessories

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Learning Outcomes of Cultural And Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 3

First-Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-3: Explain the meaning of environment, List things in the environment and Draw and colour a few things found in a clean environment

Week 4-6: Draw one flower of their choice, Colour the drawn flower

Week 8-9: Create an improvised play based on the storyline of a given story with any one of the stated themes

Week 10: Identify three traditional fabrics and Identify three traditional dresses

Second Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-3: Identify two types of lines, Use lines to produce 2 simple designs and Apply colours to the designs.

Week 4-6:Explain the meaning of staging and Identify four play staging requirements

Week 8-10: Mention two importance of traditional fabrics and dresses

Third Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1-3: Use any of the two methods to mould an object for display.

Week 4-6: Identify three stages of play production

Week 8-10: Explain the meaning of fashion accessories, Identify three traditional fashion accessories and State two importance of traditional fashion accessories.

First Term Cultural And Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1-3Introduction to Nature drawing(1) Meaning of environment
(2) Things found in the environment e.g. trees, grasses, road, animals
(3) Care of the environment
(4) Drawing of things found in the environment
4-6Types of flowering plants(1) Meaning of flowering plants
(2) Flowering plants in the environment
(3) Drawing and colouring of flowering plants
8-9.Creating a drama sketchPlay creation through scripting or improvisation with any of the following themes: Team
working patriotism, Unity, Courtesy, Dignity of labour
Fabrics and
) Traditional fabrics:
(1) “Adire”
(ii) “Aso-Oke”
(iii) “Akwete”
(iv) “Saki”
(v) “Campala”
(2) Traditional Dresses:
(i) “Onyonyo”
(ii) “Baba and Iro”
(iii) “Sokoto”
(3) Drawing of traditional dresses

Second Term Cultural And Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1-3Use of Lines in Designs(1) Meaning of line
(2) Types of Lines:
(i) Zigzag line
(ii) Curved line
(iii) Straight line
(iv) Broken line
(v) Thick lines
(vi) Thin lines
(3) Using lines in designs
4-6.Staging(1) Meaning of staging
(2) Requirements in staging a play/drama e.g.
(i) Scripts
(ii) Costumes
(iii) Light
(iv) Make-up etc.
7Mid Term Test
8-10Traditional Fabrics and DressesImportance of traditional dresses to the nation.
12 &13Examination

Third Term Cultural And Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1-3Methods of modelling objects with clay/plasticine(1) Meaning of modelling
(2) Modelling of objects e.g. cups, pots etc. with clay/plasticine using;
(1) Pinching method
(2) Coiling method (Splaying of finished works.)
4-6Staging(1) Stages of play production -Script writing -Casting -Rehearsals -Directing -Acting etc.
7Mid – Term Test
8-10Traditional fashion
(1) Meaning of fashion accessories
(2) Types of traditional fashion accessories e.g beaded jewelries, corals combs, walking sticks, rattles for dancers shells, cowries etc.


The Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 3 is a solid curriculum that seeks to nurture the students’ creativity, understanding of their culture, and artistic skills. The goals and learning objectives are clearly defined, and the Scheme has a well-rounded curriculum. In total, the scheme is a perfect way to help learners exhibit their abilities, and talents, and become better people in society.

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