Scheme of work

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 6

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 6

Civic education is a critical component of the primary school curriculum, designed to instil values, knowledge, and skills necessary for students to become informed and active citizens. For Primary 6 students, the Civic Education Scheme of Work is structured to cover essential topics that promote national pride, understanding of civic responsibilities, and the development of positive societal values.

This article provides a detailed overview of the Civic Education Scheme of Work for the first, second, and third terms, summarizing the key areas of focus and their importance in shaping responsible and patriotic individuals.

First Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 6

2Definition and Meaning of National Honours
3Examples of People Rewarded with National Honours
4Reason for National Honours Award
5Concept of Valuing Nigerian Goods
6Reason Why We Should Value Nigerian Goods
7Mid-term Break
8Benefit of Patronizing Nigerian Goods
9Reason Why Made in Nigerian Goods Suffer Low Percentage
10Problems on Developing Positive Attitude Towards Made in Nigerian Goods
11How to Encourage Made in Nigerian Goods

Second Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 6

2 & 3Types of values that promote peace
4Concept of cooperation (meaning)
7Mid-term Break
8Concept of self control (meaning)
9Concept of moderation (meaning & characteristics)
10Concept of Compassion

Third Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 6

2Concept of national unity
3Characteristics of national unity
4 – 6Factors that promote national unity
7Mid-term Break
8Solutions to the factors that hinder national unity
9- 11Revision


The Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 6 is meticulously designed to foster a sense of national pride, social responsibility, and personal values among students. By covering topics ranging from national honors and the importance of valuing local goods to values that promote peace and national unity, the curriculum aims to develop well-rounded, informed, and active citizens.

Through consistent revision and assessments, the scheme ensures that students not only understand the theoretical aspects of civic education but also appreciate its practical applications in their daily lives. This comprehensive approach prepares students to contribute positively to their communities and the nation as a whole.

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