Scheme of work

Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Islamic religious studies are among the subjects taught when pupils are in their early years of learning. It entails teaching the pupils about Islam’s principles, practices, and beliefs. Thus, the Islamic religious studies scheme of work for primary 3 should be properly guided and structured to ensure everything is covered.

The subjects for the scheme of work embrace a few critical aspects that should be known to young learners who learn about the basics of Islamic religious revelations.

Pupils learn the perspective on the beginnings of how the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad occurred and how they might be contemplated by individuals more narrowly integrated into people’s daily lives. Additionally, coverage of the five pillars of Islam, the spirituality of prayer in religion, the explanation of Ramadan, and other insights into the religions of Islam.

The scheme is highly interactive as it allows the pupils to think through the points, and questions, and express the concepts as per their understanding. In addition to having boring lessons, the scheme will help build the thinking, creativity, and communication skills of the pupils.

However, Teachers may also apply their creativity and initiative to make the lessons suit the students’ needs and abilities. Thus, the scheme is also flexible and adaptive, and teachers may modify it as they find it necessary to ensure that every student receives a personalized learning experience. As a result, students will always be interested in the material and will be able to master it to the fullest.

The Islamic religious studies scheme of work for Primary 3 pupils is a significant material in training young children about Islam. It prepares the young generation for their respective beliefs and helps them to advance their information about the faith.

First Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1-2Revision of Arabic Letters with fathah
3.Surah al-KawtharTransliteration
Version Surah al-Kawthar
(1) Bismillahi al- Rah-man al- Rahim.
Inna a’ataynaka al-Kauthar.
(2) Fasal LiRabbika Wanhar.
(3) Inna shaniaka huwa al-abtar.
4.Surah al-kauthar chapter 108 of Holy Quran. It consists of three verses. As in the previous week.
5.Asmaullahi al- husna. (No 11-15)(i) Al- Mutakabbir – (The Majesty)
(ii) Al-Khaliq – (The creator)
(iii) Al-Barr- (The Evolver)
(iv) Al- Musawwir- (The Fashioner)
(v) Al-Ghaffar (The Forgiver).
6.Asmaullah al- husna (16-20)(i) Al-Qahhaar- (The Subduer)
(ii) Al-Wahhaab – (The Bestower)
(iii) Al-Fattah (The Opener)
(iv) Ar – Razzaaq (The Enricher)
(v) Al – ‘Alim (The All¬knowing)
7.Mid Term Test 
8.Things that spoil şalöh (Prayer)Things that spoil şalah.
(1) Abandoning of any of the conditions’ governing performance of prayer.
(2) Omission of any of the obligation steps of prayer
(3) Omission of any emphatic sunnah steps deliberately.
(4) Deliberate eating or drinking.
(5) Unnecessary utterances or actions deliberately done.
(6) Adding deliberately any of the prayer actions or utterances, which are not required to be added.
(7) Abandoning the Qiblah.
(8) When ablution is vitiated.
9.Life of Prophet Muhmmad (SAW) and His prophet-hood.(1) Prophet Muhammad’s honesty earned him respect among people.
(2) The Prophet avoided bad company and he was always in search of the truth.
(3) Allah gave the prophet the qualities of good human relation.
(4) Prophet Muhamad’s research for truth led him to engaging in the Cave Hira where he received the first revelation.
10.Importance of Human relation and mutual co-operation in Islam(2) Reasons for obedience to parents.
(3) How to show obedience to parents in line with Qur’an injunction Q17.23.
(4) Some acts of obedience to parents mentioned Q17.23.
(i) Kindness to parents.
(ii) Good utterances
(iii) Respect to parents
(iv) Taking care of them during their old age
(v) Praying for them during their life time and after their departure.
12 & 13Examination 

Second Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1Introduction of (I) Alif as consonant and prolongation of vowel(1) Form of letters: (1)
(2) Prolongation letters are three, These are: Alif, wa’w and ya’u while alif goes with fathah, wa’u goes with dummah and Yaw goes with Kasrah.
(3) Prolongation letter alif
(i) with other consonant letters and vowel fathah Thus:
(4) Formation of meaningful words with prolongation letter Alif (I) Babun Tajun
2.Introduction of wa’u as consonant and prolongation of vowel.(1) Prolongation of letter wa’u and other consonant with vowel dummah
(2) Formation of words with prolongation letter wa’u e.g Ju’un
(3) Form of letters in different ways:
(4) Prolongation letter “wa’u” goes with vowel “dummah”
3.Introduction of ya’u as consonant and prolongation of vowel.(1) Forms of letters:
(2) Prolongation letter “ya’u” goes with vowel “kasrah”.
(3) Prolongation letter with other consonant letters.
(4) Formation of meaningful words.
4.Surah al-Ma’un (Recitation)(1)
Transliteration of
Surah al-Ma’un:
Bismillah al- Rahmon al- Rahim.
1) Ara’ayta al- ladhi yukadhdhibu bi al-diin.
(2) Fadholika al- ladhi yadu’u al- yatima.
(3) Wa la yahuddu ‘alo ta ‘omi al-miskin.
(4) Fawaylun li al- muswalin.
(5) Al-ladhina hum an salati- him sohun.
(6) Wa a l-ladhina num yuro’un.
(7) Wa yamna’u na al-Mo’un.
5.Memorization of
Surah- al-Mo’un.
(1) Mention the number of verses in Surah al-Mo’un (2) Recite correctly Surah- al-Mo’un verse after the verse.
(3) Commit the Surah to memory.
6.Belief in Angels.(1) Angels are creatures of Allah made up of light. Some of the Angels are: Jubril Mikail, Ridwan Atid, Malak al- Maut (Asrail). Munkar, NakIr and Asrafil.
(2) Their functions and specific duties e.g. Carrying messages to prophets and messangers of Allah.
-Discharging other duties as maybe assigned to them by Allah, etc.
7.Mid Term Test 
8.Tayammam (Dry Ablution)(1) Meaning of tayammam.
(2) Purpose of tayammam.
(3) Circumstances under which tayammam is performed.
(4) Practical demonstration on the performance of tayammam.
(5) What spoils tayammam.
9.Life of Prophet Muhammad (S AW): Factors that led to his HijrahLife of Prophet Muhammad (SAW): Factors that led to his Hijrah
10.Importance of Human Relation and Mutual cooperation in Islam(1) Kindness to: -Parents
-Elders -Fellow children -Other Creatures.
(2) Illustration on how to co¬operate with the people around us.
(3) Explain obedience to the people.
(4) Some acts of kindness to the people.
12 & 13Examination 

Third Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1Introduction to Tanwin.(1) At-tanwin with vowel “Fathatani”
(2) Letters with Tanwin
(3) Use of Tanwin in words
(4) Tanwin with vowel fathatani sound is pronounced as /an/.
2.(1) Al-Tanwin with vowel “Kasrah” that is:
(2) Letters with Tanwin: (3) Use of Tanwin in words:
(4) Tanwin with Kasratani vowel is pronounced as: /in/
3.(1) At-tanwin with vowel “dummatani”
(2) Letter with Tanwin vowel “dummatani”
(3) Uses of Tanwin in words:
(4) Tanwin with dummahtani
It is prnounced as: /un/
4.Surah Quraysh.Transliteration version of Surah Quraysh: Bismillah al-
Rahman al-Rahim.
(1) Li ilafi Quraysh
(2) ilafihim rihlata al-shita’i wa al-sayfi.
(3) Fali-ya’abdU rabba hadha al-
at’amahum min ju’in wa ama nahum min
5.Surah Quraysh (cont.)Continuation from the previous week
Jinn and Shaytan
(1) At-tanwin with vowel “dummatani”
(2) Letter with Tanwin vowel “dummatani”
(3) Uses of Tanwin in words:
(4) Tanwin with dummahtani
It is pronounced as: /un/
7.Mid Term Test 
8.Salâh al-Jum’ah (Friday Prayer)(1) Meaning of Salah al-Jum’ah.
(2) Differences between Salah al-Jum’ah and others prayers
(3) Number of it raka’ah
(4) How it is performed.
(5) Conditions governing its obligation (Q62:9-11)
(6) Reading of khutbah (sermon) by the Imam
9.Hijrah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to
Madinah and the establishment of the Ummah
(1) Jinn is another kind of supernatural creature of Allah.
(2) They were created from fire (Qur’an 15:27)
(3) They receive revelation through Allah’s messengers (Qur’an 46:29¬31)
(4) Shaytan of the Jinn was created from fire
(5) Shaytan of the Jinn held an important position among the angels before the creation of Adam (AS)
(6) He disobeyed Allah by refusing to prostrate before
Adam as ordered by Allah.
(7) Became accursed and driven out of Al-Jannah.
10.(1) Prophet Muhammad’s honesty earned him respect among people
(2) The Prophet avoided bad company and he was always in search of the truth
(3) Allah gave the Prophet the qualities of good human relations.
(4) Prophet Muhammad’s search for truth led him to engaging in meditation in the cave of Hira where he received the first revelation.
Importance of Human Relations and Mutual co¬operation in
Islam. (Modesty)
12 & 13Examination 


Primary 3 Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work has been developed to ensure that young learners are enlightened on the teachings and practices of the Islamic faith. The Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work addresses various aspects of Islam central to the faith.

A well-articulated Religious Studies Scheme of Work is divided into three terms. The first term covers the oneness of Allaah, the life of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam, and the five pillars of Islam. The second term covers prayer, fasting, Zakat, and Hajj. The third term is a continuation part of the second term and covers the life of Muhammad, their companions, the History of Islam, and Islamic ethics.

The curriculum is designed to be interactive and engaging for young learners, with a focus on hands-on activities, group work, and discussions. The use of multimedia resources, such as videos and pictures, is also incorporated to enhance the learning experience.

The Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3 seeks to lay a firm basis for the students to comprehend and respect the ideals and morals of Islam. At the end of the lesson, learners should have a fundamental understanding of the Islamic faith, the pillars of worship, and how to utilize them well in their daily lives. Additionally, the curriculum reinforces virtues such as politeness, honesty, and empathy, which are prevalent in Islamic teachings.

The Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3 is a well-structured and interesting curriculum that seeks to instil Islamic values and principles in young learners. Moreover, it is aimed at fostering a better understanding of the Islamic faith and instilling in learners the culture of values, including respect and care among others. As such, it is an important milestone in building the foundation of Islam knowledge and practice that young learners can advance in the future.

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