Scheme of work

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Civic Education is a critical subject that prepares pupils to be responsible citizens in society. The Civic Education scheme of work for Primary 3 is a guide that opens pupils to the basics of civic education, national consciousness, and identity. The article therefore will present the significance and brief explanation of Civic Education scheme of work for Primary 3.

At the end of the course, the primary 3 pupils should be able to identify and list the components of Civic Education, explain the dimensions of Civic Education, role play situation that explains the components and dimensions of Civic Education and demonstrate respect for national and other symbols.

The above scheme has been presented in a manner that a pupil of the age between 7-8 years can quickly understand and relate to their everyday life.

Civic Education is critical in nurturing individuals who are accountable and can actively engage in the broader society. Some of the aspects of Civic Education, including nationality, rights and responsibilities, democratic conduct, and values of the community.

The pupils are encouraged to understand and respect the significance of nationality and other symbols; national flag; currency; national anthem; coat of arms, the Constitution; traditional and religious leadership; and highway codes.

The first term of the Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3 is expected to teach pupils to list and define the components of Civic Education, explain the dimensions of Civic Education, and act out situations that will make them understand the components and dimensions of Civic Education. Therefore, the term is set to help pupils understand how Civic Education is relevant in their lives.

The second term is centred on National Consciousness and is organized to enable the pupils to: list the elements of national identity, discuss why Nigerians must be patriotic, explain the meaning of national symbols, and differentiate between national symbols and others.

In a nutshell, the second term is organized to help the pupils develop a strong sense of national identity and understand why they should be patriotic.

The third term of the Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3 pupils teaches respect for national and other symbols. The third term is aimed at helping pupils to: describe some national symbols; differentiate between national symbols and other symbols; and demonstrate respect for national and other symbols.

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3 pupils is a crucial subject that impacts pupils with knowledge and skills that aid them to grow up morally upright to become responsible citizens.

The scheme introduces pupils to the basics of civic education, national consciousness, and identity, introduces the importance of civic education and hence realize it is part of their daily lives, helps to develop a sense of national identity and understanding of the significance of being patriotic, introduces pupils to the importance of behaving respectfully to national and other symbols, and hence learn to show respect.

First Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1-3Civic Education(1) Components of Civic Education -Nationality -Right and duties – Democratic practices -Community values
4-6(2) Dimensions of Civic Education -Political -Legal -Social -Economic – Cultural
7.Mid Term Test 
(1) Meaning of National Identity -Accepting and belonging to a nation by identifying with its goals and aspirations.
12 & 13Examination 

Second Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1-3National Identity(1) Elements of National Identity -National anthem -Citizenship of a nation -Payment of taxes -Work for success of the nation -Respecting national symbols etc.
4-6(2)Reasons for patriotism: -To promote unity -To promote development -To ensure full and proper use of resources To help the nation benefit from our knowledge and skills
7.Mid Term Test 
8-10(1) Meaning and examples of National symbols: People leaders, Public property, constitution, make, national, flag, coat of arms etc.
12 & 13Examination 

Third Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1-3National Symbols(1) Describe some Nation Symbols (1) Description of National symbols: The eagle in the Nigerian coat of arms represents strength, -the green colour of the national flag stands for agriculture and white stands for peace etc.
4-6(2) Differentiation: -National symbols – national flag, currency, National Anthem, coat of Arms, Constitution etc.
-Other Symbols -Traditional leaders -Religious leaders and high way codes etc.
7.Mid Term Test 
8-10(3) Respecting National Symbols: Stand at attention when the National anthem is sung, Salute the National flag, Respect the traditional and religious leaders, Handle the naira with care, Respect the constitution
12 & 13Examination 


The teaching/learning resources utilized in the scheme include posters, pictures, video clips, maps, and national flags and symbols but all are properly selected to ease the understanding of the students. Also, the evaluation guide in this scheme is properly structured to help assess the understanding of the students about the topic.

The Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3 students is of significant importance. In the 21st Century, it is very vital to teach young children various aspects related to citizenship, democracy, and community.

As a result, the same principles will be used to build up our little children into proud and patriotic citizens of the country. Civic Education will lead the students to identify their nation by giving them a national consciousness which makes them work positively towards the achievement of their country.

The Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3 pupils is a great curriculum for young children to prepare them for their future roles as responsible citizens.

The scheme’s content, structure, interactivity and engagement, teaching resources, and evaluation guide are well done and serve their purpose. It is highly recommended that schools and teachers implement this curriculum to teach Civic Education to help shape the future of the country.

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