Scheme of work

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

The Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3 is a vital curriculum that is purposed to offer pupils the required information relating to basic science. The pupils under focus for this scheme of work are aged between 7-8 years old.

This is to give them the proficiency they need to understand basic scientific concepts and principles. Therefore, the approach is expected to provide the pupils with preliminary scientific concepts and principles that they will use in their learning journey.

The scheme of work is divided into three terms. The three terms cover different areas to enable pupils to meet particular targets. The first term deals with measuring length and mass, measuring time, while appreciating the manner in which soil helps in the growth of plants and feeding of animals.

The second term deals with wind, air pollution, water development and how hyperdopamine works, while the third term deals with plants, and animals and how they are just living things.

At the end of each term, pupils are expected to attain certain objectives as outlined in the Basic Science Scheme of Work Primary 3.

In the first term, the pupils should be able to name instruments for measuring length and mass, measure and record length, breadth, and height of objects, state metric units for measuring length, compare masses of objects with the balance provided, and state metric units of mass.

Pupils are to: Explain the meaning of wind, and describe how they feel when the wind is blown against their body. Mention two harmful substances that can enter the body through the air. Differentiate between good and bad water? And mention three substances that make water unsuitable for drinking.

Third Term: After completing this term, the pupils should be able to list three characteristics of plants, state three reasons why plants can be considered living things, mention three features of animals that they have observed, state five reasons why animals are living things, compare plants and animals as living things.

The above scheme of work for Primary Three is well outlined, including the objectives that are to be covered. For instance, by the end of term one, the pupils should be able to name two instruments for measuring length state the metric units of length and to measure the object’s length breadth and height accurately and record in the table correctly.

Lastly, at the end of the second term, pupils must be asked to identify good water and bad water, name three substances that make water bad for drinking, mention five consequences of drinking water from bad sources, and identify two types of packaged water.

Overall, the Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3 is a vital schedule that will ensure pupils get a firm foundation in basic science.

Consequently, the pupils will be able to achieve the required objectives at the end of each term and have the information and skills needed to progress to the next level. More so, the plan will be able to make the pupils love the subject and shape them into individuals who will excel in the field in their future endeavors.

Objectives of Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

First Term Objectives

Week 1&2: Name the instruments for measuring length, Measure and record the length, breadth and height of objects, State the metric units for measuring length

Week 3&4: Name the instrument for measuring mass, Compare masses of objects using the balance provided and State the metric units of mass.

Week 5&6: Name the instruments for measuring time, Perform specified activities within specified time frames and State metric unit of time

Week 8-9: Mention the importance of soil to plants

Week 10: Mention the importance of soil to animals

Second Term Objectives

Week 2-3: State the meaning of wind, Describe their feelings when the wind blows against their bodies and Demonstrate that air can do work

Week 4: Explain the harmful effects of air.

Week 5: List the qualities of good water

Week 6: Identify and name some substances that make water unfit for drinking

Week 8: State the dangers of drinking bad water.

Week 9: Mention ways of purifying water and List the common uses of water

Week 10: State reasons for packaging water, Identify types of packaged water and List features of safe packaged water

Third Term Objectives

Week 2-3: Observe and list the features and characteristics of plants

Week 4-6: Give reasons why plants are living things

Week 8-9: Give reasons why animals are living things

Week 10: Give reasons why animals are living things

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Learning Outcomes of Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

First-Term Learning Outcomes

Week 1&2: Name two instruments for measuring length, State the metric units of length, Measure correctly the length, breadth and height of objects in the classroom and Record measurements correctly including units

Week 3&4: Name two instruments for measuring mass, State the metric units of mass, and Use lever¬arm balance to estimate the masses of objects in the classroom and record their findings.

Week 5&6: Name the instruments for measuring time, State the metric unit of time and Mention the uses of time

Week 8-9: State two uses of soil for plants

Week 10: State two uses of soil for animals

Second Term Learning Outcomes

Week 2-3: Explain the meaning of wind, Describe their feelings when wind blows against their bodies and Demonstrate how air does work e.g. move or propel objects

Week 4: List two harmful substances that can be taken into the body through the air

Week 5: Distinguish between good and bad water (colour, odour)

Week 6: Mention three substances that make water unfit for drinking

Week 8: List five effects of drinking bad water

Week 9: List three ways by which water can be purified and list five uses of water

Week 10: List two types of packaged water and Mention three features of safe packaged water

Third Term Learning Outcomes

Week 2-3: List three characteristics of plants

Week 4-6: State three reasons why plants are living things

Week 8-9: Mention three features of animals observed

Week 10: State five reasons why animals are living things and Compare plants and animals as living things

First Term Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1-2Measurement of Length and Mass (Length)Measuring length, Instruments; Units of length
3-4Measurement of length and Mass (Mass)Measuring mass, Instruments; Units of measuring
5-6Measurement of TimeMeasuring time, Instruments for measuring time; Units of measuring time
8-9SoilImportance of soil -Medium for plant growth -Sources of nutrients (food) and air
10Importance of soil to animals -Surface for human activities (e.g. Farming, building, pottery making)
12 & 13Examination 

Second Term Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

2-3MotionWind -Meaning -Effects -Importance
4Harmful effects of air.
5.Quality and uses of waterWater quality
6.Substances that contaminate water (i.e. make water unfit for drinking)
8.Quality and
Uses of water Cont.
Dangers of drinking bad water
9.Purifying water e.g. By boiling -Adding alum -Filtration -Adding chemicals (chlorine) etc. and Common uses of water
10.Packaged water -Reasons for packaging water -Types of packaged water -Features of safe packaged water
12 & 13Examination 

Third Term Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

2-3PlantsPlant as living things -Features of plants
4-6Plants as living things
features of animals
10Animals as living things
12 & 13Examination 


The Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3 is a coherent curriculum that covers a wide range of scientific topics and ideas. The idea of the scheme is to introduce young learners to the basics of science and equip them with early problem-solving skills. The scheme has three terms, each with its specific objectives and learning goals.

The Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3 is an exceptional curriculum that will orient students in the understanding of science. It is well-organized and descriptive in its objectives and learning outcomes. The format of the scheme is engaging and interactive, and it encourages the maximum participation of students. In conclusion, the scheme serves as an excellent method to foster the development of the simulation for students as well as familiarize them with more complex scientific theories in the future.

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